

Jessie Chen, David Lee
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AP Publishes Story on Missing Chinese Lawyer Gao Zhisheng Being Tortured


1. torture: v. [ˋtɔrtʃɚ] 酷刑
2. exclusive: adj. [ɪkˋsklusɪv]獨家的
3. suffer: v. [ˋsʌfɚ] 遭受、受苦
4. plainclothes: a. [tdpTnthpcl] 便衣的
5. holster : n. [ˋholstɚ] 手槍皮套
6. beat up: ph. [bit ʌp] 痛打
7. recount: v. [͵riˋkaʊnt] 敘述
8. cruelty : n. [ˋkruəltɪ] 殘酷
9. induce : v. [ɪnˋdjus] 引起、導致
10. suffocation: n. [͵sʌfəˋkeʃən] 窒息
11. celebrated: adj. [ˋsɛlə͵bretɪd] 著名的
12. persecute: v. [ˋpɝsɪ͵kjut] 迫害

The Associated Press published an exclusive story on Monday about the torture the disappeared Chinese rights lawyer, Gao Zhisheng has suffered at the hands of plainclothes police.

The story is based on an interview an AP reporter had with Gao on April 2010 at a Beijing teahouse.

Gao tells of plainclothes police stripping him naked, tying him up with belts and plastic bags, hitting him with handguns in holsters, and beating him up repeatedly.

He told the AP reporter, there was no way to recount the degree of cruelty.

Police also tied wet towels around his face to induce suffocation, and fed him rotten cabbage.

The celebrated defender of Falun Gong practitioners, House Christians, and other persecuted groups in China had not wanted the details of the interview published unless he and his family had successfully escaped from China, or if he should go missing again.

Shortly after giving the interview, Gao was again arrested. He has been missing for more than eight months.
接受採訪後不久,高智晟再次被捕。 他已失踪超過八個月。


主要分兩部份:The Associated Press published an exclusive story on Monday about the torture.

The disappeared Chinese rights lawyer, Gao Zhisheng has suffered at the hands of plainclothes police.

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本專欄由前衛英語David Lee主編 www.davidlee.url.tw

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