

Daniel Chen, David Lee
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Chinese Think Tank Says Facebook Threatens National Security


1. think tank: ph. 智囊團
2. intelligence agency: ph. 情報單位
3. advocate: n. 提倡者
4. single out : ph. 挑出
5. technicality: n. 技術性
6. censorship : n. 審查(制度)
7. step up: ph. 加快
8. misguidance: n. 誤導
9. netizen: n. 網路公民;網民
10. Great Fire Wall : ph. 防火長城(中國監控和過濾網路內容的系統)
11. massacre: n. 屠殺
12. guise : n. 幌子;偽裝

STORY: 2620
Social-networking sites like Facebook and Twitter are banned in China by the ruling communist regime. And now their top-think tank is calling them potential risks to national security.

State-backed Chinese Academy of Social Sciences—or CASS—published their “Report on the Development of China’s New Media 2010.” It acknowledges the growing popularity of social-networking sites, and says, “Some Web sites including Facebook, which are utilized by intelligence agencies in the Western countries, caused people to fear their specific political functions.”
國家支持的中國社會科學院,又稱CASS(中科院),發表了他們的「2010 中國新媒體發展報告」。報告中肯定了社群網站的日益普及,並且說:「有些網站,包括臉書,在西方國家被一些情報機構利用,讓人民害怕它特殊的政治功能。」

But a press-freedom advocate Oiwan Lam from Hong Kong In Media, tells Radio Free Asia that Western social-networking sites are being singled out for another reason.

[Oiwan Lam, Hong Kong In Media]:
“[The regime] is targeting Facebook because it’s targeting new-media from overseas. Because in terms of their basic functions and technicalities, I don’t think Facebook is different from Chinese social-networking sites. The only difference is whether these sites will cooperate with authorities to follow censorship requirements.”

The CASS urges Chinese authorities to, “Immediately step up supervision of social-networking sites.”

A China-commentator, who goes by the penname Wang Er Lun Dao, believes the Chinese regime is fearful of social-networking sites because they offer a platform for the public to voice their own opinions.

[Wang Er Lun Dao, China Commentator]:
“As long as there is a platform for speaking the truth, and for preventing the misguidance of the Central Propaganda Department, [netizens] will reach their own conclusions and their own opinions. These viewpoints will be different to what is being propagated, and will shake the foundation of [the regime’s] rule and its lies.”

Every year, the Chinese regime spends millions on its “Great Fire Wall” to block information it deems unsuitable for the Chinese people. Information like Taiwan independence, the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre and the persecution of Falun Gong are all banned under the guise of needing to protect the public from violent and pornographic content.

But despite the regime’s efforts to control cyberspace, more and more of China’s 400 million internet users are, “scaling the wall,” so to speak, to access banned content with anti-censorship software.

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