

Wan-Chun Chang, David Lee
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Taiwanese Singer Shoots to Stardom


1. chubby : a. 圓胖的
2. liken : vt. 把…比作
3. diva : n. 女主唱
4. rendition : n. 詮釋
5. floor : vt. 使震驚
6. pitch-perfect : adj. 完美高音的
7. show-stopping : a. 特別受人歡迎的

He’s everything Whitney Houston is not—Taiwanese, male, chubby and unknown—but Lin Yu-chun is being likened to the pop diva after wowing a talent show with his rendition of one of her most popular songs.

Lin, a competitor on popular singing show “Super Star Avenue,” floored the judges this week with his pitch-perfect rendition of Houston’s “I Will Always Love You.”
林育群,一個歌唱選秀節目“超級星光大道”的參賽者,這星期,以一首惠妮休士頓的”I Will Always Love You.”完美高音的詮釋,震驚了所有評審。

A video clip of his singing on Youtube attracted millions of hits within 48 hours.

[Lin Yu-chun, Singer]:
“Unbelievable, and it’s just like a dream. I was just a normal chubby boy yesterday, and now I become someone all over the world looking at. I really really appreciate all the support from my family, and my friends, especially the TV production team.”

The 24-year-old is also being touted by many bloggers as this year’s Susan Boyle who became a musical superstar after her show-stopping performance on the “Britain’s Got Talent” TV program.

1. overnight: adj. 一夜之間
2. sensation: n. 引起轟動的人物
3. tip: v. 提議
4. glamorous :adj. 有魅力的
5. conquer :v. 征服
6. single: n. 單曲
7. album: n. 專輯

Like Boyle, Lin has become an overnight Internet sensation, with videos of his performance watched by thousands of people. He is also tipped to take home the Taiwan talent show’s top prize of $1 million.

[Lin Yu-chun, Singer]:
“Actually, the most important reason was that I saw Paul Potts and Susan Boyle, my look is similar to them in the way that we’re not glamorous like others, but they conquered everyone with their voices. They gave me a lot of courage, that’s why I stepped up the stage and gave myself the challenge.”

“I Will Always Love You” was written by U.S. singer Dolly Parton in 1973, who released it a year later as a single. Houston’s 1992 version has become one of the best-selling singles of all time.
“I Will Always Love You”這首歌是由美國歌手Dolly Parton於1973創作,一年後發行成為單曲。惠尼休士頓1992的版本成為有史來最暢銷的單曲之一。

Lin hopes to release his first album by the end of this year. He is also invited to appear on TV shows in the United States, Japan, and Korea.


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