
流行美語 第327課

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【大紀元4月12日訊】李華早上起床,發現昨天晚上下了整整一夜的雪,足足有兩英尺深,看來今天是出不去了。今天我們要學兩個常用語:total和zapped of energy.

(Knock on Li Hua’s door, Li Hua opens it)

LH: Larry! 這麼大的雪你怎麼跑來了,路上一定特別難走吧?

LL: Li hua, you are right. When I left my apartment, I didn’t think the road conditions were that bad, but the roads really are treacherous. I couldn’t see where I was going!

LH: 啊?你是開車過來的?那你身上哪來的這麼多雪呢?

LL: I just walked five blocks to your house because I got in a wreck. My car is totaled.

LH: Your car is totaled? 什麼是totaled? 是不是開到一半陷在雪裡了?我幫你去一起把車推出來吧!

LL: No, Lihua, when you say something is “totaled”, it means that it is demolished beyond repair.

LH: Oh no Larry! 你說你的車已經撞得沒辦法修了,徹底報銷了?怎麼會呢?How did you total your car?

LL: I turned onto your street and I hit a patch of black ice. I lost control of my car and it went sliding at full speed into a telephone pole. The entire front end is totaled.

LH: 哦,原來你是因為開到冰上,車子失去了控制,結果撞到電線桿子上,車前面全都撞爛了。你當時一定嚇壞了吧?

LL: You’re right. I am really shaken up right now. Totaling my car is probably the scariest experience I have ever had.

LH: 好在撞爛的是你的車,而不是你的人。你好像除了受了點兒驚嚇以外,毛髮未傷嘛!

LL: You’re right. Although my car is totaled, what’s most important is that I’M not totaled.

LH: 沒錯,我們教授Johnson上次出了個小車禍,胳膊就骨折了,更不要說大車禍了,太可怕了。

LL: Yeah, I feel really lucky. People usually get badly injured when they total their cars. My knee feels a little funny, but other than that, I think the airbags did their job.

LH: 別多說了,快進來,趕緊叫拖車公司來把你的車拖走!



LL: Thanks for your help Li Hua, the towing company will be here soon to pick up my car.

LH: 不客氣,只要你人沒事我就高興了。一會兒要不要出堆雪人、打雪仗。或許可以幫你轉移一下注意力。

LL: Oh Lihua, I don’t think I can. This is such a stressful situation. I feel totally zapped of energy.

LH: You are zapped of energy? 你是說精力旺盛?渾身上下有使不完的勁?那好,我們現在就走。

LL: No, Lihua, when I say I am zapped of energy, I mean that my energy level is very low and I am feeling tired.

LH: 哦,你說的zapped of energy意思是精疲力竭,一點力氣都沒有了。我能理解,你不僅出了車禍,把車子撞了個稀巴爛,而且走五條街到我這兒來,一定累死了。No wonder you’re zapped of energy.

LL: Yeah, plus there is already about two feet of snow on the ground. Walking through that much snow can really zap the energy right out of you.

LH: I know you feel zapped. 你既然這麼疲憊,不如躺在沙發上休息一會兒吧。我去給你泡杯茶,好不好?

LL: Yes, I would love that. Plus my knee still hurts a little, I think I should rest it for a while.

LH: 好,那你趕快躺下,你早上有沒有吃東西,要不要我給你做個三明治填填肚子?

LL: Oh, Lihua, you’re the best! Yes, even if you don’t mind, I’d love a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. You know, I cannot believe how zapped I feel. I can barely keep my eyes open!

LH: 等等,我去給你拿個枕頭和毯子來,讓你在沙發上好好休息一下,再喝杯茶,吃點東西,補充補充能量。

LL: (Yawn) Thank you so much Lihua! I will certainly do the same for you next time you feel zapped of energy.

今天李華學了兩個常用語,一個是total, 意思是徹底報銷。另一個是zapped of energy意思是疲憊不堪。 (//www.dajiyuan.com)

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