


人氣 30


2.1989 年2月,匈牙利把1956年發生的「匈牙利事件」重新評價為「人民起義」,並通過了實施多黨制的決定。1989年5月,匈牙利共產黨領導人卡達爾‧亞諾甚被 免去黨主席和中央委員職務。10月,國會修改憲法,規定實行總統制,1990年3月的大選中,民主論壇政黨獲勝,宣告匈牙利共產黨統治的倒台。

3.1989 年5月,共產黨的暴政使保加利亞的伊斯蘭民族民眾大量出逃。各地的罷工示威活動頻頻發生,迫使保共領導人日夫科夫辭去保共總書記的職務,並召開會議取消憲法中有關保共的絕對領導統治條款,實行自由選舉。1991 年10月的大選,宣告結束保加利亞共產黨統治。稍後,原保共黨魁日夫科夫被送上法庭。

4.1980 年8月31日,不受波蘭共產黨控制的團結工會成立,這被東歐史界稱為民眾擺脫共產獨裁統治邁向自由的第一步。波蘭拋棄共產專制統治的導火索是「一名格但斯 克造船廠的女工抱怨食堂肉價上漲被開除」,在瓦文薩 (WALESA)的領導下,船廠工人罷工抗議,進而發展成為全國範圍一千多萬工人罷工示威活動。波蘭共產政府曾於1970年血腥鎮壓工人的反抗。1989年東歐劇變,在民眾的自由意志與歷史潮流面前,共產政權方面的雅洛察爾斯基無奈的同意舉行圓桌會議。和談結果,決定在波蘭實行民選政府,瓦文薩於1990年當選為民主波蘭總統。波蘭共產黨統治宣告結束。

5.1989年11月,原東德的中央政治局委員君特‧沙博夫斯基(Gunter Schabowski)宣佈廢棄柏林圍牆,數以萬計的市民走上街頭,拆毀旨在隔離德意志民主共和國和德意志聯邦共和國的圍牆。1990年10月3日兩德重新統一,宣告共產政權在東德的結束。德共總書記昂納克被以「屠殺罪」追究法律責任。在1993年,德國聯邦政府決定重建一堵象徵性的只有70米長的柏林 牆,以紀念歷史上這一重大事件。

6.1989年11月,捷克斯洛伐克布拉格250萬人舉行集會,紀念法西斯殺害大學生50週年。會後舉行 10天遊行,要求重新評價1968年「布拉格之春」的呼聲日益高漲,捷共領導班子被迫辭職下台。12月初,全國繼續爆發大規模的遊行。要求取消憲法中關於捷共的領導地位和必須用馬列主義理論對每個公民進行政治義務教育的條款。1990年4月,捷克斯洛伐克改為「捷克和斯洛伐克聯邦共和國」,實行聯邦議會選 舉。原捷共最高領導人胡薩克、雅克甚因當年支持蘇軍入侵捷克斯洛伐克共和國而被開除,並受到法律追究責任。

7.1989年12月,羅馬尼亞共產獨裁者齊奧塞斯庫命令槍殺堅持「人民的軍隊為人民」的國防部長瓦西裡‧米利亞,並把警民衝突中警察對居民開槍、造成多人傷亡的蒂米甚瓦拉事件污蔑為民眾「鬧事」,明白真相後的軍隊與布加勒斯特廣場上聚集的民眾一道決定反對齊奧塞斯庫,佔領各政府機關。12月25日,軍事法庭判決齊奧塞斯庫夫婦犯有屠 殺罪和非法擁有大量來源不明財產罪,並於當日執行槍決。羅馬尼亞共產黨政權正式倒台。獲得民主的羅馬尼亞經濟得到良好發展,2006年羅馬尼亞人均GDP 超過一萬美元,成為中高收入國家。

8.1991年3月,民眾民主意識覺醒與民主力量的壓力,阿爾巴尼亞勞動黨被迫同意自由選舉,結束一 黨制。 1992年3月阿爾巴尼亞進行第二次議會大選, 社會黨(前身是阿爾巴尼亞共產黨、勞動黨)失利,宣告阿爾巴尼亞共產黨統治的倒台。之前,在1967年開始,由於阿爾巴尼亞共產黨施行無神論暴政,禁止了 其國內的一切宗教信仰,包括穆斯林70%, 阿爾巴尼亞東正教20%, 天主教10%,所有清真寺和教會在被關閉,並且禁止宗教儀式。經過民主力量的長期努力,在1990年11月, 阿爾巴尼亞重新恢復個人的宗教信仰自由。

9.1991 年8月,前蘇共保守派發動一場妄圖收回權力的政變,在人民、軍隊和覺醒的前蘇共大多數人聯合反對下宣告失敗。10萬人組成的上層精英討論中,超過90%的 人不贊同共產主義。俄羅斯總統葉利欽下令宣佈蘇共為非法組織,並限制其在蘇聯境內的活動。1991年12月8日,俄羅斯、白俄羅斯和烏克蘭的首腦簽署協議,以創始國的身份正式宣佈蘇聯的已成現實的終結。1991年12月25日,前蘇聯總統戈爾巴喬夫宣佈辭職,將國家權力移交給俄羅斯總統。前蘇聯正式解體。


11.1997 年,《共產主義黑皮書:罪行、恐怖、鎮壓》(The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression)出版,這是一本講述共產主義國家實施的政治迫害歷史,包括法外處決、放逐以及因實施共產主義政策所造成的人為饑荒等。該書於1997年在法國首度出版,其法語標題為「Le Livre noir du communisme : Crimes, terreur, repression」,在美國則由哈佛大學出版社出版。





16.2005 年2月22日,全球退出中共服務中心和世界各地退黨服務中心應運而生。退黨中心將為中國民眾退出中共黨團隊提供各種退黨通道的服務,並在世界各地開設退黨服務站(點),組織九評退黨研討會、聲援集會和遊行等大型活動;並向世界各國政要和民眾介紹九評和三退大潮。

17.2005年4月21日, 退出中共黨團隊的人數突破一百萬。4月23日,來自全球20多個國家地區的200餘團體在紐約市政廳附近的福利廣場(Foley Square)集會,聲援百萬大陸民眾告別中共的義舉,4千民眾隨後在中國城進行了盛大遊行。在午後近兩小時的遊行過程中,圍觀的民眾眾多。此次活動特地 印刷了20萬份大紀元號外專門介紹全球退黨形勢及各地民眾的聲援,並加印10萬份中英文「九評共產黨」報紙,當日發放一空。與此同時,世界各地30多個國家、地區的退黨服務中心和多個正義團體同步開展聲援集會和遊行活動。

18.2005年6月,<<毛澤東:鮮為人知的故 事>>(MAO:The Unknown Story)出版,由旅居英國的華裔女作家張戎(JungChang)與史學家何黎岱(jonHalliday)合著,書中披露了大量以前從未披露過的史料,自由亞洲電台記者採訪了張戎,問到對毛的總體評價時,張戎說:「我覺得毛澤東在道德上是一無可取,我剛才講過了,他直接負責的是中國起碼7,000萬 人的死亡,他的像絕不應該掛在天安門廣場;他也絕不是中國人民的英雄,應該從天安門的城樓上把他的像取下來;應該把他這些真實的事情告訴給中國人民。」

19.2005年7月,全球退黨服務中心倡議把中共邪黨建黨日設立為「全球退黨日」, 7月為「全球退黨月」。


21. 2005年10月3日下午,「無共產主義的世界」研討會在捷克共和國的議會大廈舉行。捷克共和黨議員瑪瑞克.班達先生(Mr. Marek Benda)作為東道主主持了本次研討會。來自美國的斯蒂夫‧易斯帕斯(Mr. Steve Ispas)、捷克奧林匹克觀察協會的主席彥‧儒牧歐先生(Mr. Jan Ruml)、英國伯爵佛朗西斯‧索羅先生(Lord Francis Thurlow)、德國國際人權協會理事曼楊先生(Mr. Man-Yan)、獲獎記者彼德‧斯瓦古里斯先生(Mr. Peter Zvagulis)、卡瑞塔斯基督雜誌記者米可愛拉‧福雷歐娃女士(Ms. Michaela Freiova)以及捷克奧林匹克觀察第一秘書彼特爾‧庫迪雷克先生(Mr. Petr Kutilek)等7名專家和知名人士作為嘉賓在會上發表了講演。

22.2005年10月18日,在大紀元退黨網站上公開發表三退的人數於 達到500萬。退黨在大陸成為流行話題,大陸退黨服務點、站已經遍及各省市城市農村。在海外,世界各地退黨服務中心和民間團體的聲援活動陸續展開,包括荷蘭的阿姆斯特丹、澳洲的悉尼、馬來西亞、美國的華府、舊金山、休斯頓、奧斯丁等地。

23.2005年11月26日,題為「2005年波羅的海之路–沒有共產主義的世界」研討會在拉脫維亞首都里加召開。拉脫維亞國會議員彼得瑞斯.希姆森斯先生(Mr. Peteris Simsons)主持大會,一致通過決議譴責共產政權對波羅的海人們犯下的罪行,以便未來的世世代代將能記住這些共產政權所犯下的罪行。要求在共產黨統治 下的國家,特別是中國,立即停止因信仰而對基督教徒、法輪功學員、西藏佛教徒和因言論而對律師、作家、記者及民主人士的迫害;呼籲所有民主國家的政府幫助發展一個保障人類社會沒有共產黨恐怖的機制

24.2005年12月14日,歐洲委員會政治事務委員會(the Political Affairs Committee of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly)在法國巴黎舉行會議,所討論並通過題為《國際社會譴責共產體制罪行之必要性》的報告,這是重要國際機構公開在政治層面上譴責共產主義罪 行和共產主義制度。

25.2005年12月,「調查共產主義制度罪行基金會」的組織在愛沙尼亞成立。目的是為了向人 們證明,作為一種意識形態,共產主義制度同納粹法西斯一樣是犯罪制度。

26.2005 年12月20日,歐洲理事會國會議員大會(Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly,PACE)的一個政治事務委員會起草了一個決議案,強烈譴責共產主義極權政府大量的侵犯人權罪行,並對受害者表示理解和同情。呼籲歐洲 理事會成員國如果還沒有重新評價共產主義歷史、沒有和共產主義極權政權犯下的罪行劃清界限,現在應該這麼做-明確譴責這些罪行。

27.2006 年1月27日, 由46個成員國組成的歐洲委員會議會大會通過決議,首次對共產黨極權體制所犯罪行予以公開譴責,這是歐洲對納粹罪行作出公開譴責半個世紀之後,再度對另一 個極權體制罪行所做的公開譴責。決議要求原東歐共產國家修改教科書,為共產極權體制的犧牲者修建紀念碑。

28.2006年4月7日,美國國會眾議員羅拉巴克(Dana Rohrabacher)就中共活摘法輪功學員人體器官的蘇家屯集中營事件接受記者採訪時說,這一事件的可怕程度顯然超越了我所知道的幾乎所有國家的道德 標準,現在該是文明世界對這些殺害民眾摘取器官的惡魔說「不」的時候了。羅拉巴克呼籲在中國境內外展開調查,將真相公佈於世。

29.2006年4月25日,三退人數突破第一個千萬。全球退黨服務中心委託南加州網絡分析中心對千萬三退人群中黨團隊員比例進行了分析,結果顯示:有60% 左右、即將近700萬中共黨員退黨。

30. 2006年5月,多名立陶宛政要參觀在立陶宛舉行的真善忍國際美展後發表演講,譴責中共對法輪功學員的迫害。曾經擔任立陶宛第一任總統的現任歐洲議會議員 維陶塔斯.蘭茨貝吉斯(Vytautas Landsbergis)說:「共產制度實質上是反人類的意識形態,是毀滅人性和破壞人類生存基礎的邪惡。這種制度帶來的是暴政並導致數以 百萬計無辜的人們被屠殺。人應該向善,而共產主義決不是善良的土壤。」立陶宛議會反對黨領袖安德留斯.庫比柳斯表示,「歐委會譴責共產極權的決議已經把共 產制度的罪行與法西斯罪行等同。我們認為國際社會應當像當年紐倫堡法庭一樣對共產制度進行審判」。

31. 2006年12月18日,羅馬尼亞總統特萊揚.伯塞斯庫(Traian Basescu)在羅馬尼亞國會全體會議上發表演說,譴責共產主義極權,指出共產黨政權是一個「非法和犯罪」組織,引起世界關注。前捷克總統Vaclav Havel、前保加利亞總理Jelio Jelev、前波蘭總統暨諾貝爾和平獎獲得者Lech Walesa 、前羅馬尼亞總統Emil Constantinescu、羅馬尼亞前國王Mihai、王子Radu和公主Margareta等也列席了週一的國會會議,以示支持。



34.2007 年4月22日,在烏克蘭首都基輔的「斯圖斯」博物館,舉行了題為「共產主義危害人類」的研討會,會上討論了取締烏克蘭共產黨並對它進行審判的問題。烏克蘭 的一些歷史學家、社會學家、人權代表以及政治組織的代表參加了這次研討會,探討如何取締共產主義理論、禁止烏克蘭共產黨的活動、審判那些對烏克蘭人民進行 迫害的人。 烏克蘭捷爾諾波爾州州政局決定對共產主義極權在該區犯下的罪行進行法律評估,同時開展一系列活動紀念死於二十世紀受害者。紀念死於共產主義極權下的烏克蘭 人民,並起草決議案設立一個共產主義極權受害者博物館。

35.2007年五5月1日,在捷克共和國首都布拉格的萊特納公園,數千人參加反對 共產主義的大型集會。集會的主題是「反對共產主義,反對法西斯主義,反對專制」。捷克總理米瑞克‧托普蘭內科出席了集會併發表講話:」我可以對大家承諾, 只要有大家的支持,我們將建立一個沒有共產黨的政府。」 他還強調了必須要讓我們的孩子們瞭解共產主義的暴行,這樣他們才能確保在未來不再重蹈共產悲劇而讓民主常在。

36.2007年6月12日, 共產主義受害者紀念碑在美國首都華盛頓落成,美國總統布什出席揭幕儀式時,把共產主義與恐怖主義並論,揭示出「共產主義就是恐怖主義」的真理。布什表示, 二十世紀是人類歷史上死亡最慘重的世紀。共產主義在這個世紀裡奪走一億人性命,光是在中國就有數千萬受難者。而值得警惕的是,以邪惡和恨為基礎的共產主 義,到今天還繼續存在。布什說:「我們為這座紀念碑舉行落成典禮,因為我們有義務讓未來子孫回顧二十世紀的罪行,並保證未來不再發生。」

37.2007 年7月25日,保加利亞前總統、東歐知名的反共人士哲列夫來台訪問併發表演說,他指出,共產主義是最嚴重的極權政府形式,對於人類的危害比起法西斯有過之 而無不及,他呼籲民主社會認識並譴責共產主義。哲列夫出生於保加利亞,為東歐原共產國家知名的民主領袖,與波蘭華勒沙總統、捷克哈維爾總統齊名。

38.2007 年11月24日,近萬名民眾在烏克蘭首都基輔「米哈依爾」廣場參加了大饑荒紀念日活動。總統尤先科、總理亞努克維奇以及前總理提摩申科等政要和一些宗教人 士代表參加了這次活動。烏克蘭總統尤申科發表演講,呼籲國際社會譴責共產主義極權,表示全球譴責共產極權的時刻即將來臨!他表示,邪惡就只能稱為邪惡,不 能叫別的,支持它的人也一定會受到懲罰。歷史背景:在1931年到1933年的烏克蘭大饑荒中,共1千萬左右烏克蘭人餓死,其中包括400萬兒童。烏克蘭 被稱之為歐洲的麵包籃。但1930年代蘇共政權在農村強制推行集體化運動,並搶走農民積存的口糧,因此造成大饑荒。蘇共時代,烏克蘭總共爆發過三次大饑 荒,1932-1933年代的大饑荒最嚴重。


40.2008 年5月18日,烏克蘭總統在基輔郊外的樹林參加政治迫害紀念日時,發表「認清共產主義極權,勿抱幻想」的演講,呼籲那些還對共產主義極權抱有幻想的人們, 去認清共產主義極權的特性。同時要求對那些持有否定蘇共對烏克蘭民族進行種族滅絕言論的人們追究法律責任。尤先科說:「無論你是誰,無論你有多大歲數,你 是做什麼的。共產主義極權需要的是絕對的權力。而對於這個絕對的權力,人就必須變成動物一樣,忘記道德,忘記靈魂,成為非人類。」烏克蘭總統特意將5月 18日定為政治迫害紀念日。

41.2008年5月29日,愛沙尼亞創辦調查共產主義犯罪基金會的組織,目的是調查以及公佈社會主義制度以及 共產黨國家的各種犯罪行為,並向人們證明,作為一種意識形態,共產主義制度同納粹法西斯一樣是犯罪制度。創辦人之一的愛沙尼亞前總理拉阿爾說,基金會的另 一個使命是支持那些已經擺脫了共產主義制度的國家,並幫助仍然處在共產黨專制政權統治下的國家的人民。

42.2008年6月14日,波羅的 海國家和烏克蘭最近舉行各種活動,悼念蘇共斯大林統治時代遭受共產黨迫害的遇難者,呼籲國際社會承認共產黨犯下了同納粹法西斯同樣的罪行,並把6月14日 稱之為「悼念共產黨民族滅絕遇難者日」。總統拉特列爾斯在里加的紀念活動上表示,決不應該忘記拉脫維亞歷史上的這場悲劇。

43.2008年6月30日,波蘭上訴法院宣佈,起訴波蘭最後一位共產黨領導人伊切赫.雅魯澤爾斯基(Gen. Wojciech Jaruzelski)。

44.2008 年7月,CIPFG組織將全球反對中共邪黨迫害的簽名表,遞交到國際奧委會在瑞士洛桑的總部。歷經6個月的簽名活動,得到來自一百三十一個國家、一百二十 一萬五千七百九十三名世界各地民眾和全球近一千七百位社會各界名流的簽名支持。其中澳大利亞國會參議院於6月24日,各黨派議員一致通過了一二七號動議 案,要求中共停止迫害法輪功修煉者。這是澳洲國會首次正式表態反對迫害,被視為全球征簽活動蒐集民意的指標性成果。


46.2008年10月3日,德國迎來共產主義解體第18個生日,漢堡舉辦盛大慶典,現任德國總理安吉拉‧梅克爾(Angela Merkel)在接受德國最大日報《圖片報》採訪時表示,東德共產主義解體,令人無比欣慰。

47.2008 年12月14,加拿大多倫多準備建立共產主義受害者紀念碑,來自前東歐共產專制國家以及古巴、北朝鮮、越南和中國等十幾個不同族裔的社區人士集會商討,加 拿大多元文化部長,捷克駐加拿大大使,波蘭駐多倫多總領事等出席併發表演講。波蘭駐多倫多總領事科瑞洲表示,各個國家都有責任揭露和去終止共產主義罪行: 他說,共產主義制度非常違反人性,我們經歷和許多悲劇。加拿大公民及移民部長傑森‧肯尼也電賀支持,表示有責任使得這個項目、這個夢想變成現實。



50.2009 年2月17日,柬埔寨特別法庭在柬埔寨首都金邊開庭審判康克由等前紅色高棉領導人犯有反人類罪。柬埔寨特別法庭是專為審判波爾布特政權在國際框架下,由聯 合國與柬埔寨共管的法制機構。在世界上共產主義制度在中國仍然存在的今天,這一機構的設置與正式運作是國際法制史上具有里程碑意義的重大歷史事件。對這些 人的審判既是對柬埔寨共產制度的審判,也是對這些作為制度機器一部份的個人的審判。

51.2009年3月18日,歐洲議會在布魯塞爾總部大 廈內舉行了歐洲良知和共產極權罪行的聽證會,歐盟理事會主席國捷克政府常務副總理、歐盟執行委員會高級主管官員、以及來自歐洲不同國家的政要和非政府機構 代表與歐洲議會議員一起參加了聽證。來自歐盟、歐洲不同國家的政要、不同的紀念共產主義受害人的組織等到會發言,探討、交流去共化的進程。曾兩次擔任愛沙 尼亞總理的馬特‧拉爾先生(Mart Laar)表示,中國越早退出中共越好,人們需要知道,共產主義是一丘之貉,不管它在哪裏,都是罪惡。前捷克總統哈維爾先生(Vaclav Havel)表示,必需反思共產主義罪行,對此蓋棺定論,並告知下一代,這尤為重要。


53.2009 年3月,前中共國家安全系統諜報官員李鳳智在美國首都華盛頓DC公開宣佈決裂中共,並在國會山召開新聞發佈會,呼籲世界各國政要關注中國民眾的人權狀況。 美國加州國會議員德納‧羅拉巴克(Dana Rohrabacher)聲援李鳳智脫離中共,為退出中共的五千萬中國人鼓掌喝采。美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)、法新社等多家西方主流媒體現場報導,關注此事件。

54.2009年4月2日,歐洲議會在布魯塞爾全體大會上投票通過了「關於歐洲良知和極權主義」的決議,譴責極權和共產專制,提 議在全歐洲範圍將8月23日定為所有的極權主義和專制政權受害者紀念日。以表達對人類尊嚴與公正的紀念,並宣佈今年歐洲將慶祝中、東歐共產獨裁統治垮臺和 柏林牆倒塌二十週年,以便牢記歷史。該決議的發起人之一歐議會議員托克斯(Tokes)表示,在歐洲我們努力團結一致譴責所有那些極權統治所犯下的反人類 的罪行。

55.2009年4月8日,法國國民議會副主席馬克-勒-福赫(Marc Le Fur)發起,在國會放映廳放映了電影《卡廷大屠殺》。講述二戰期間共產蘇聯為防止不受其控制的自由波蘭的出現,在卡廷(Katyn)森林秘密槍殺 25000名波軍軍官和其他社會精英的史實。波蘭駐法大使Tomasz Orlowski、法國前文化部長、人權捍衛者雅-克朗(Jack Lang)、法國國會法-波友好小組主席Jean-Louis Leonard、以及多位法國議員出席了活動。一致認為,今天有必要揭露共產極權暴行。

56.2009 年4月13日,新西蘭「退出中共服務中心」在奧克蘭市伊麗莎白廣場舉行聲援中國人五千五百萬人退出中共及其相關組織的集會活動,新西蘭總理約翰‧柯 (John Key)委託他的私人秘書Emma Holmes發來賀電錶示支持,並轉達他對這次活動的主辦者和所有參與者的祝福。



59.2009 年7月7日,在加拿大聯邦政府的大力支持下,計劃在首都渥太華戰爭博物館附近建立一個紀念碑,來紀念那些被共產主義殺害的受難者。該紀念碑預計在今年11 月,柏林牆倒塌20週年時,舉行奠基儀式。同時有社區領袖呼籲也在加國家博物館中收錄共產主義暴行以教育後代。


61.2009 年7月20日,在倫敦市中心議會廣場舉行的「解體中共,制止迫害」大型集會,英國政要和非政府組織人士到場支持,歐洲議會議員貝坦表示,不能與人類的敵人 為伍。英國國會議員布瑞克表示,將敦促英國政府支援法輪功的人權;英國國會議員大衛‧博洛斯先生是英國影子內閣司法部長表示,絕不能允許迫害再持續。英國 自由民主黨議員候選人法默:中共活摘器官非常可恥。自由民主黨議員候選人奈偉力‧法默(Neville Farmer)先生在發言中,譴責中共對法輪功的迫害已經超越了人類道德的底線,要求中共立即停止二戰以來最嚴重的踐踏人權的行為——活摘法輪功學員器官牟利。他們的發言代表著英國廣大民眾正在發出基於良知的正義之聲。

62.2009年8月6日,紐約市議員托尼‧艾維拉(Tony Avella)在皇后區法拉盛公立圖書館門前的新聞發佈會上,正式拒絕亞美商業發展中心(Asian American Business Development Center)邀請他前往中國訪問一事。因為在中國,很多民眾包括法輪功學員因為信仰而遭虐殺,去年在中共領事館的指使策劃下,在美國法拉盛發生過恐嚇、 圍攻法輪功學員事件。這是中共把信仰迫害延伸到美國,這是不能接受的。艾維拉建議其他議員也不要去訪問中國。



65. 2009年11月30日,波蘭總統卡欽斯基最近簽署一項法律,禁止生產、販賣、使用、傳播和存放共產黨的鐮刀、斧頭、紅旗、紅星等標誌以及納粹法西斯的標誌。因為共產主義同法西斯一樣都是種族滅絕的象徵,共產主義標誌不能在波蘭土地上存在。


66. 2009年11月,烏克蘭總統尤申科不久前表示,他準備向議會提交法案,禁止共產主義標誌。烏克蘭國家對外情報局檔案館館長維亞特羅維奇在悼念「大饑荒遇難者日」前夕表示,如果烏克蘭共產黨把自己當成蘇聯共產黨的繼承人,那麼從法律和道義的角度來看,烏克蘭應該禁止共產黨的活動。蘇聯共產黨當年屠殺了千百萬烏克蘭人。

67. 2009年11月19日,西班牙國家法庭決定以群體滅絕罪及酷刑罪,起訴中共前黨魁江澤民,同時還有羅干、薄熙來、賈慶林和吳官正四名中共高官。該裁決是按普遍管轄權原則,參照證人證詞、國際特赦組織、人權觀察協會以及聯合國人權委員會等國際團體的調查報告作出的。在四至六週的抗辯期之後,若無異議,將對被告發出國際逮捕令,被告若進入任何一個與西班牙有簽訂引渡條款的國家,西班牙可依法將被告引渡到西班牙法庭受審。


68. 2009年12月17日,阿根廷聯邦法院刑事及懲治庭第九法庭法官拉馬德里發出對江澤民和前中共政法委書記羅干的國際逮捕令,罪名是迫害法輪功人員、涉嫌實用酷刑和屠殺罪。這是繼西班牙後,全球第二個對中共迫害人權採取司法行動的國家。一旦江澤民和羅干兩人進入與阿根廷簽有引渡協議的國家,就可能遭逮捕,並引渡到阿根廷受審。

69. 2010年1月9日,退出中共黨、團、隊的三退人數突破6600萬。

70. 2010年1月14日,烏克蘭法庭以上世紀30年代該國發生的饑荒,裁定當時的蘇聯領導人犯下了種族屠殺罪。基輔上訴法庭裁決說,包括斯大林在內的蘇共領導人要為這場造成大約400萬烏克蘭人死亡的饑荒負責。


Chronology of Global Effort to Eliminate the Evil Communism

1. The spirit of the Baltic Sea. On August 23, 1989, two million people from the Baltic Sea region stood hand in hand to form a 600km long human chain through Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, in order to show the shocking world their resolve to stop the Communist dictatorship. In1990, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia announced their independence and marked the end of the communist rule in the region.

2. In February 1989, Hungary reassessed the 1956 “Hungarian Anti-Soviet Revolt” to be a “popular uprising” and endorsed a multi-party system. In May 1989, Hungary communist party general secretary and party president János Kádár was ousted. In October, the legislation was adopted for multiparty parliamentary elections. A center-right coalition government, Hungarian Democratic Forum, won the first free parliamentary election in March 1990, marking the end of the communist rule in Hungary.

3. May 1989, Bulgaria communist government’s repression against the Muslims caused the massive exodus of some 300,000 Muslim Bulgarian citizens. Throughout the country, strikes and uprisings followed. In the same year, Todor Zhivkov, Bulgaria’s communist dictator for 35 years, was forced to resign. The absolute ruling party status of the communist party was removed from the Constitution, and free election was adopted. In the October 1991 election, the communist rule over Bulgaria came to an end. Shortly after the election, Zhivkov was put on trial.

4. August 31, 1980, a new national union “Solidarity”, which was not controlled by the communist party, was formed in Poland. In the Eastern European history, the “Solidarity” movement has been labeled the first step toward freedom from the communist dictatorship. The trigger of the “Solidarity” movement was the strike at the Gdansk Shipyard, where a female worker was fired because she complained about the rising meat price. The strike, led by Lech Walesa, later spread around the country and over 10 million people participated. Back in 1970, the Polish communist government used forces to crack down similar strikes and uprisings. By the end of 1989, with the rapid changes taking place in Eastern Europe, under the pressure of people’s freedom movement, the Polish communist government was forced to negotiate with Solidarity in the Polish Roundtable Negotiations. Walesa was elected president in the 1990 Polish legislative elections, which became one of the important events marking the fall of communism in Poland.

5. November 1989, First Secretary of East Berlin, Günter Schabowski announced in a radio speech to begin the destruction of the Berlin Wall. Tens of thousands of people immediately went to the Berlin Wall where the vastly outnumbered border guards were forced to open access points and allow them through. October 3, 1990 was the date of German Reunification, marking the end of communism in East Germany. The leaders of the communist party were charged with murder. In 1993, a 70 meter long wall was built as a memorial to this important era in history.

6. November 1989, in Czechoslovakia, a peaceful student demonstration in Prague sparked a series of popular demonstrations with 2.5 million peaceful protesters. They demanded to reassess the “Prague Spring 1968”. With the collapse of other communist governments and increasing street protests, the communist party of Czechoslovakia announced on November 28 that it would relinquish power and dismantle the single-party state. December 1989, the demonstrations continued to demand the removal of the ruling party status of the communist party from the Constitution, and to remove the Marxism-Leninism from the education system. In April 1990, the “Czechoslovak Socialist Republic” changed its name to “Czech and Slovak Federative Republic”, and adopted the legislative election. The communist leaders, including Gustav Husak and Mikos Jakes, were ousted and put on trial for their allowing the Soviet invasion.

7. December 1989, Romanian dictator Ceauşescu executed the defense minister Vasile Milea, who supported the idea of “people’s army for the people”. Ceauşescu characterized the “Timişoara event”, where police fired at the unarmed protesters, as a revolt. After the truth was brought to the public, people gathered in the Revolution Square, which led to the overthrown of the Ceauşescu government. December 25, Ceauşescu and wife were sentenced to death by a military court on charges ranging from illegal gathering of wealth to genocide, and were executed on the same day. The democratic Romania has since enjoyed economic growth. By 2006, the GDP was over 10,000 dollars.

8. March 1991, under the pressure of the democratic demand from the general public, Albanian Party of Labor was forced to abandon the one-party state and to adopt free election. March 1992, Albania’s second parliamentary election saw the fall of the Socialist Party of Albania (former Albania Communist and Labor Party), which marked the fall of communism in Albania. Prior to this, in the beginning of 1967, Albania Communist Party’s atheism dictatorship banned all religious activities, of which 70% was Muslim, 20% was Albanian Orthodox Christianity, 10% was Catholic. All monasteries and churches were forced to close. All religious ceremonies were forbidden. After the long time effort of the democratic forces, in November 1990, Albanians have gained back their freedom of religious believes.

9. In August 1991, the Soviet Conservative Coup, which involved a group of communist party members, tried belatedly to stop the tied towards democracy. It was rejected by the general public, military and the majority of awakened former communist party members. In a discussion forum, which consisted of 100,000 elite members of the society, over 90% of the whom were against communism. In November 1991, Russian President Boris Yeltsin issued a decree banning the communist party of Soviet Union throughout the Russian Republic. On December 8, 1991, the leaders of the Russian, Ukrainian, and Belarusian republics met in Belavezhskaya Pushcha and signed the Belavezha Accords declaring the dissolving of the Soviet Union and replacing it with the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). On December 25, 1991, Gorbachev resigned as president of the USSR, declaring the office extinct and ceding all the powers still vested in it to the president of Russia: Yeltsin. This is recognized as the official dissolution of the Soviet Union.

10. In December 1991, a referendum and the first presidential elections took place in Ukraine, formally declaring Ukraine as an independent state.

11. In 1997, “The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression” was first published in France, under the title of “Le Livre noir du communisme : Crimes, terreur, repression”. It was then published in the United States by the Harvard University Press. It is a book which describes a history of repressions, both political and civilian, by communist states, including genocides, extrajudicial executions, deportations and artificial famines.

12. May 2004, In order to ban communism, Latvia put an equal sign between crimes of Nazism and Communism in the form of law.

13. In November 2004, The Epoch Times published a series of editorials entitled “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”. The editorials give an in-depth analysis of the crimes of communism and the Chinese Communist Party committed in China. It then triggered the global wave of quitting the Chinese Communist Party. In early 2005, The Epoch Times published a “solemn declaration” and established the website for quitting the CCP.

14. On Jan. 1, 2005, fifty overseas Chinese scholars and specialists declared to quit the CCP. This action started the massive wave of quitting the CCP by the Chinese people.
15. The founder of Falun Gong, Mr. Li Hongzhi, renounced his membership of Communist Youth League in February, 2005 in an article entitled “Turning the Wheel”. This article, along with another article entitled “Turning the Wheel Towards the Human World”, received strong followings among the Falun Gong practitioners in China and around the world. The daily number of those who quitted the CCP has increased from a few hundred to hundreds of thousands.

16. On Feb. 22, 2005, the Global Service Center for Quitting the CCP was established. The Service Centers aim to provide multiple channels for the Chinese people to quit the CCP, establish regional Service Centers around the world, organize discussion forums on the Nine Commentaries and quitting the CCP, organize public gatherings and parades, and introduce the Nine Commentaries and the quitting the CCP movement to the leaders and citizens of other countries.

17. On April 21, 2005, the number of those quitted the CCP reached 1 million. On April 23, over 200 organizations from over 20 countries gathered on Foley Square in New York city to celebrate the courageous act of these first one million Chinese people. Afterwards, 4000 participated in a parade in China Town, which attracted huge numbers of on-lookers. 200,000 special edition Epoch Times newspaper and 100,000 “Nine Commentaries” in English were distributed on the same day. In the meantime, over 30 countries around the world held similar gatherings.

18. In June 2005, the book titled “Mao: The Unknown Story” by writer Jung Chang and historian Jon Halliday was published. The book depicted Mao using a lot of never-been-published materials. In an interview with the Radio Free Asia, Chang said: “Mao is responsible for the deaths of 70 million Chinese people. Thirty-eight million of those died during the famines of the Great Leap Forward from 1958-61. On a moral level, there isn’t a single good thing to say about him. Mao is not the hero of the Chinese people, and his portrait should not be hanging in Tiananmen Square. The Chinese people should be told the truth about him.”

19. In July 2005, the Global Service Center for Quitting the CCP named July 1st the “Global Quitting the CCP Day”, and July the “Global Quitting the CCP Month”.

20. In the evening of July 3rd, 2005, 25 TV stations in mainland China, including the CCTV, were tapped into and the “Nine Commentaries” was broadcasted along with the news about millions of people already quitted the CCP. This event effectively spread the word of quitting the CCP in mainland China.

21. October 3, 2005, a symposium entitled “A World Without the Communist Party” was held in the Parliament Mansion of the Czech Republic. Marek Benda, a member of the Czech Republic Party, presided over the seminar as host. Honored guests, seven experts and well-known figures made speeches at the seminar. Among those who have attended were: Steve Ispas on behalf of Epoch Times USA, Mr. Jan Rum, Chairman of the Czech Olympic Observation Association, Lord Francis Thurlow from the UK, Mr. Man-Yan, director of the German International Association of Human Rights, Mr. Peter Zvagulis, an award-winning reporter, Ms. Michaela Freiova, a reporter of the Christian Journal from Cretas and Mr. Petr Kutilek, the First Secretary of the Czech Olympic Organization of Observation.

22. October 18, 2005, the number of those quitted the CCP reached 5 million. The topic of quitting the CCP has become a popular one in mainland China. Service centers for quitting the CCP have spread across China’s provinces and cities. The rallies organized by the overseas service centers and other organizations continued around the world in cities, such as Amsterdam, Sydney, Washington D.C., San Francisco, Huston, Austin, etc.

23. On November 26, 2005, the symposium entitled “2005 Path to Baltic Sea – the World without Communism” was held in the Latvia capital city of Riga. Mr. Peteris Simsons hosted the symposium. The meeting passed the referendum to condemn the crimes committed by the communist dictators in the Baltic Sea region, aiming to help future generations remember the crimes of communism. The referendum called for countries that are still under the communism rule, especially China, to stop the persecution based on religious believes. This included the persecution on Christians, Falun Gong practitioners, Tibetan monks, and lawyers, writers, pro-democratic activists. The referendum also called for democratic countries to develop a system which prevents further development of communism.

24. On December 14, 2005, the Political Affairs Committee of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly held a meeting in Paris. The resolution of “The need for international condemnation of the crimes of communism” was passed. This is an important public condemnation of communism from a political organization.

25. In December 2005, “the foundation for investigating the crimes of communism” was established in Estonia. The foundation is to prove to people that as an ideology, communism is no different from Nazism.

26. On December 20, 2005, a political affairs committee in the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) passed a draft resolution strongly condemning communist totalitarian governments’ crimes against human rights and expressing understanding and sympathy towards the victims, calling members of the European Union to reassess the history of communism, to publically condemn the crimes of communism if they have not separated themselves from it.

27. On Jan. 27, 2006, PACE — a leading political human rights watchdog that brings together parliamentarians from 46 countries across the continent — adopted the resolution condemning abuses committed by communist regimes for the first time. A similar resolution condemning Nazism took place half a century ago. The resolution demanded the eastern European countries to modify the school text books and to build memorials for the victims of communism.

28. On April 7, 2006, US Congressman Dana Pohrabacher spoke with reporters about the Chinese government harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners in Chinese labor camps. He said, “This case can be investigated either inside or outside, and the truth should be made known to the American people and the people of the world. This is gruesome and clearly beyond the moral standards of almost every country that I know. It’s time for the civilized world to say “no” to the monsters that are tearing apart people in China and enriching themselves from others’ bodies.”

29. On April 25, 2006, the number of those quitted the CCP reached 10 million. Global Service Center for Quitting the CCP obtained analysis data from the Southern CA internet data analysis center, that 60%, about 7 million, were CCP members quitting the CCP.

30. In May 2006, many Lithuanian political leaders attended the “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance International Art Exhibition” and gave speeches afterwards to condemn the CCP’s persecution of the Falun Gong practitioners. Former president of Lithuania, member of the European Parliament, Vytautas Landsbergis said: “Communism is in its nature, an ideology against humankind. Its evilness destroys human nature and the basis for human life. It brings about tyranny and hundreds of thousands of innocent deaths. Human beings are kind, but communism is no soil for kindness.”

31. On Dec. 18, 2006, Romania president, Traian Băsescu delivered a speech to Parliament (broadcast live on TV) in which he condemned Romania’s pre-1989 communist regime. Băsescu stated that the totalitarian communist regime in Romania was a case of an illegitimate regime. The speech drew international attention and support from former Czech president, Vaclav Havel; former Bogariya prime minister Jelio Jelev; former Poland president and Nobel Peace Prize winner, Lech Walesa; former Romania president, Emil Constantinescu; former king of Romania, Mihai, Prince Radu and Princess Margareta.

32. On March 26, 2007, the number of those quitted the CCP reached 20 million. Support rallies were held around the world.

33. On April 17, 2007, former Polish military leader and president Jaruzelski was charged with “communist crimes”, which could lead to ten years in prison.

34. On April 22, 2007, the forum titled “Communism endangering mankind” was held in the Ukraine capital city Kiev. Historians, sociologists, human rights representatives, and representatives from other political organizations attended the forum to discuss measures to eliminate the Communist Party of Ukraine, to abolish the communism ideology, and to put those responsible to charges. It was decided to reassess the crimes of communism in Ukraine and organize memorial activities and build a museum to commemorate the victims of communism in the 20th century.

35. On May 1, 2007, a large scale anti-communism campaign was held in in Prague, Czech Republic. The theme of the campaign was “anti-communism, anti-nazism, anti-totalitarianism”. Czech prime minister said in the gathering: “We can promise everyone that as long as we have the support of general public, we will establish a government without the communist party.” He also emphasized that “we are responsible for educating our children, so that they are aware of the crime and tyranny of communism, that they will ensure the tragedy caused by communism will never re-occur, and that democracy will be with us forever.”

36. On June 12, 2007, in Washington D.C., the Victims of Communism Memorial was dedicated by President Bush. In his speech, he equated communism to terrorism. Bush stated that 20th century saw the most death in the history of mankind, that communism murdered one billion lives, tens of millions of whom were murdered in China. Bush pointed out that “it is important that we recall these lessons because the evil and hatred that inspired the death of tens of millions of people in the 20th century is still at work in the world.” “We dedicate this memorial because we have an obligation to future generations to record the crimes of the 20th century and ensure they’re never repeated.”

37. On July 25, 2007, Former President of Bulgaria and prominent anti-communism activist, Zhelyu Zhelev visited Taiwan. He said that communism is the most extreme form of totalitarianism, and that its damage to mankind is more than that of the Fascism. He called for the international community to condemn communism. Zhelev was born in Bulgaria and is a prominent leader promoting democracy in the eastern European countries. He enjoys the same fame as the president of Poland, Walesa and the president of Czech Republic, Havel.

38. On November 24, 2007, ten thousand people gathered in Saint Michael’s Square of Ukraine’s capital Kiev to commemorate victims of the Soviet-era forced famine. Ukraine’s President Viktor Yushchenko attended, along with Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovich, and ministers representing the gamut of the country’s political parties. In his speech, Yushchenko urged ‘world condemnation of communist terror’. He said that evil can only be labeled evil and nothing else, that those who support the evil will be punished. During the great famine of Ukraine from 1931 to 1933, a total of ten million people starved to death, among which four million were children. Ukraine used to be called the “bread basket” of Europe, however, during the 1930’s the Soviet authorities forced peasants across the former USSR to give up their privately held land and join collective farms. The Ukraine farmers had their produce confiscated and their food supplies blocked, and thus caused the Great Famine. During the Soviet era, there were all together three famines. The famine during 1932 and 1933 was the worst.

39. On December 25, 2007, the number of those quitted the CCP reached 30 million, among which are many CCP officials. The CCP thugs continued their violent attacks on the oversea service centers and its volunteers. The thugs also stole the Epoch Times newspaper.

40. On May 18, 2008, in the event to commemorate political victims held in the outskirts of Kiev, Ukraine President Yushchenko gave the speech of “see clearly the communism totalitarian, harbor no hope”. He urged those who still are hoping for a better communism to see clearly its totalitarian nature, and in the meantime, demanded to put those, who do not admit the Soviet crimes against Ukraine, to justice. Yushchenko said, “no matter who you are, no matter how old you are, no matter what you do, what communism wants is absolute power over you. Under this totalitarian dictatorship, humans will forget about morality and their soul. They will become animal-like and inhuman.” Yushchenko named May 18th the day to commemorate political victims.

41. On May 29, 2008, the foundation for investigating communism crimes was established in Estonia. The foundation is to investigate and publicize the crimes of communism and communist countries and prove to people that as an ideology, communism is the same as Nazism. One of the founders, the Estonia prime minister said that another mission of the foundation is to support those who have broken away from communism and to help those who are still under the communism rule.

42. On June 14, 2008, Baltic Sea countries and Ukraine organized commemorations for the victims under Soviet and Stalin era, urging the international community to see the crimes by communism as the same as the crimes by Nazism. June 14th was named the “Memorial day for victims of communism genocide”. The President of Latvia said, “We must not forget this tragedy in Latvia history.”

43. On June 30, 2008, the last Polish communist party leader Wojciech Jaruzelski was charged in court.

44. July 2008, CIPFG submitted the signatures of those condemning the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong to the head quarters of International Olympic Committee located in Luzern, Switzerland. The signature gathering took six months around the world gaining support from 131 countries, 1,215,793 people, and 1,700 VIPs. On June 24, Australian government unanimously passed a motion to press for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong in China. This is the first formal message from the Australian government and is viewed as the direct result of the global signature gathering activities.

45. July 2008, the number of those quitted the CCP reached 40 million. The “global month for quitting the CCP” was supported by people and organizations in mainland China.

46. On October 3, 2008, Germany celebrated the 18th anniversary of the fall of communism in Berlin. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said during an interview with the biggest newspaper “Bild” that the disintegration of the east German communism was a wonderful thing.

47. In Canada, a group representing some 240 Polish-Canadian groups, as well as groups representing Canadians from 10 other ethnic backgrounds are advocating for a monument to the victims of Communism to be erected in downtown Ottawa. The other groups represented include Latvian, Cuban, Czech, Slovakian, Argentine, Chinese, Iranian, Korean, Ukrainian, Estonian and Canadian. Polish ambassador attended a gathering on December 14, 2008 and said, “Communism is anti-humanity. We have experienced countless tragedies.” Ambassadors and their delegates from 14 countries have written to the Canadian Prime Minister calling for the creation of a memorial.

48. The United States President Obama, during his inauguration speech in early 2009, once again equated communism to terrorism and made communism a target to dismantle.

49. Starting March 2009, many democratic countries, include the United States, have regarded the “certificate for quitting the CCP” as a lawful document for immigration purposes. The global wave of quitting the CCP and eliminating communism has won popular support among overseas Chinese people.

50. February 17, 2009, in Cambodia capital city Phnom Penh, a war crimes tribunal for the first time convened of a trial of a former Khmer Rouge leader. The UN-backed war crime tribunal was established under the international law aiming at prosecuting the Pol Pot regime of the crimes against humanity. In today’s world where communism still exists in China, the formation of the tribunal is monumental to the development of the international law. The charges to former Khmer Rouge leaders are not only towards those communist individuals, but also towards the Cambodian communist regime.

51. On March 18th, 2009, the public hearing “European Conscience and Crimes of Totalitarian Communism: 20 Years After” was held in the European Parliament headquarter in Brussels. Deputy prime minister for European affairs of the Czech Republic Alexander Vondra, together with Ján Figeľ, European Commissioner, Alejo Vidal-Quadras, Vice-President of the European Parliament, and Jan Zahradil, László Tökés and Jana Hybášková, Members of the European Parliament, attended the hearing. Two times prime minister of Estonia, Mart Laar said that the earlier China breaks away from CCP the better. People should know that communism is evil no matter where it is. Former Czech Republic prime minister Vaclav Havel said that the crimes of communism must be assessed and made known to the next generation.

52. On February 1, 2009, the number of those quitted the CCP reached 50 million.

53. March 2009, Mr. Li Fengzhi, a former officer of China’s Bureau of State Security (BSS), announced his withdrawal from the CCP in Washington D.C. and held a press conference in Capitol Hill urging international leaders to pay closer attention to the human right situation in China. US Senator Dana Rohrabacher attended a rally supporting Mr. Li and the 50 million people who have already quitted the CCP. This event was reported by many western mainstream media, such as CNN, AFP.

54. On April 2, 2009, European parliament passed the resolution on “European conscience and totalitarianism” in Brussels. The resolution condemns the totalitarianism and communism dictatorship, proclaiming 23 August a Remembrance Day for victims of all totalitarian communism. To recognize the human dignity and justice, commemorations will be held throughout the year to celebrate the fall of communism in eastern Europe and the fall of the Berlin Wall. One of the initiators of the resolution, EP senator, Tokes said that the entire Europe will unite to condemn the anti-humanity crimes committed by totalitarian communism.

55. On April 8, 2009, member of the National Assembly of France, Marc Le Fur, advocated to show the film “Katyn Massacre” in the national assembly hall. Katyn massacre was a mass murder of 25,000 thousand victims, including Polish military officers, policemen, intellectuals, and civilian prisoners of war by Soviet NKVD during World War II. The murder took place in the Katyn Forest in Russia, in an attempt to stop Poland from gaining freedom. Polish ambassador to France, Tomasz Orlowski, former French Minister of Culture and human right activist, Jack Lang, chairman of the France-Poland friendship committee, Jean-Louis Leonard, and several members of the France National Assembly attended the showing. All agreed that now is the time to expose the crimes of communism.

56. On April 13, 2009, New Zealand Service Center for Quitting the CCP organized a rally to support 55 million people quitting the CCP. The rally took place in Elizabeth Square in Auckland. New Zealand Prime Minister John Key asked his secretary Emma Holmes to send a letter to express his support.

57. On April 28, 2009, Afghanistan quietly celebrated the 17th anniversary of the fall of Soviet Communist Party. The parade was cancelled and the money intended for the parade was allocated to provinces of Badakhshan and Ningjia Ha province earthquake victims. President Hamid Karzai hosted a memorial gathering attended by former Mugabe Hedding leaders, military officers and diplomats.

58. May 17, 2009, in the event to commemorate political victims held in the outskirts of Kiev, Ukraine President Yushchenko said that the symbols of totalitarian communism should be completely eliminated. He said those who do not admit the crimes of communism will be eliminated and that this kind of crimes will not be forgiven by history.

59. On July 7, 2009, Canadian government decided to build a memorial for the victims of communism near the war museum in Ottawa. The memorial foundation will be dedicated in November 2009, on the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. In the meantime, groups suggested adding display in the National History Museum to educate the future generations of the communist tyranny.

60. On July 16, 2009, many gathered in Washington D.C. Capitol Hill in support of “disintegrate the CCP, end the persecution”. Over ten US senators participated and gave speeches in the rally.

61. On July 20, 2009, many gathered in the Parliament Square in London in support of “disintegrate the CCP, end the persecution”. UK politicians from across the political spectrum called on the British government to take action to help end the persecution. EU Parliament member Batten said, “We cannot be on the same side of the enemy of mankind.” Liberal Democrat MP Tom Brake urged the British government to support the human rights of Falun Gong practitioners. Neville Farmer, PPC and Vice Chair Chinese Liberal Democrats called on the British government not to turn a blind eye to the practice in China of harvesting organs from a live bank of Falun Gong practitioners for profit. Farmer said, “I want to plead with the Chinese Government to put an end to one of the most disgusting abuses of human life since the second world war, the practice of organ harvesting for profit.” Their speeches represent the voice of British people out of their righteous minds.

62. On August 6, 2009, New York Senator Tony Avella held a press conference in front of the Flushing public library in Queens to formally reject Asian American Business Development Center’s invitation to China. He said, “Because in China, many citizens, including Falun Gong practitioners, are being persecuted for their religious believes. Last year’s attack on Falun Gong practitioners in Flushing was carried out by the CCP’s Chinese embassy. It is unacceptable that CCP is expanding its persecution on religious believes to overseas.” Avella urged other senators to not visit China.

63. August 2009, the number of those quitted the CCP in a single month reached its highest ever, 1,689,500.

64. September 2009, the number of those quitted the CCP broke 60 million.

65. On November 30th, 2009, the President of Poland, Lech Kaczynski, approved an amendment to the criminal code which outlaws the production, possession, distribution or sale of items in print, recordings or other symbols of communism, such as sickles, hammers, red flags and red stars, etc. The amendment also bans the display of the Nazi symbols. Both the communist and Nazi symbols represent totalitarianism. The communist symbols cannot exist in the land of Poland anymore. In fact, laws and regulations like this have been established in some Baltic countries years ago. Lithuania passed a similar law one year ago and Latvia has already applied similar law in the 1990’s.

66. In November 2009, Ukraine President, Yushchenko, said that he was going to submit the bill to the parliament to ban communist symbols. On the eve of the Memorial Day for Starvation of Victims, the curator of Ukrainian Archives and National Foreign Intelligence Service, Viatte Petrovic, said if the communist party of Poland regards itself as the successor of the communist party of former Soviet Union, then Polish government should ban all activities of the communist party. The communist party of former Soviet Union massacred millions of people in Poland in 1930’s.

67. On November 19th, 2009, Spanish National Court ruled to sue former Chinese communist leader Jiang Zemin and four top Chinese communist officials Luo Gan, Bo Xilai, Jia Qinglin and Wu Guanzheng, on charges of genocide and torture. This ruling was based on the principle of universal jurisdiction, evidence and witness’ testimony, the report jointly issued by Amnesty, Human Rights Watch Society, and the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. Provided there is no objection in the four to six weeks period of Defense, international arrest warrants could be issued to the defendants. In case the defendants enter into any countries with which Spain has an extradition treaty, the defendants will be extradited to Spain to face the charge. Alliance of Global Public Trial of Jiang Zeming announced: the culprit head of persecution of Falun Gong has been sued to courts in 30 countries by 35 lawyers in over 55 cases. It is believed that more rightful adjudications will be given by more and more international courts.

68. On 17th December 2009, a landmark ruling was made by Dr. Octavio Aroz de Lamadrid, the judge of the Argentine Federal and Criminal Corrective Court No. 9. The ruling ordered the indictment and international arrests of former Chinese communist leader Jiang Zemin and his right hand man Luo Gan, on charges of genocide and torture against Falun Gong practitioners in China. Following Spain, Argentine is the second country to issue judicial action against the violation of human rights by Chinese Communist Party in China. If Jiang Zeming and Luo Gang enter into any countries with which Argentina has an extradition treaty, they might be arrested and brought to Argentine to face the charges.

69. On January 9, 2010, the number of those quitted the CCP broke 66 million.

70. On 14th January 2010, Ukraine Court ruled that Former Leader of Soviet Union convicted genocide in the forced starvation in Ukraine in the 1930’s. Kiev Court of Appeal stated in its ruling, Former Leaders of Soviet Union Communist Party, including Stalin, was responsible for death of 4 millions Ukraine people in the forced starvation in 1930s.

By Service Center for Quitting the CCP Document Team



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