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A: Please help me.

B: What’s the matter?

A: My friend is injured. He needs an ambulance.

B: Please tell me what happened.

A: We had a car accident. My friend can’t move.

B: Don’t worry. I’ll call 9-1-1.

A: Thank you.

B: Where is your friend?

A: He’s over there next to my car.

B: Okay, don’t worry. Everything will be fine.


injured 受傷。

ambulance 救護車

He needs an ambulance. 他需要救護車。

Tell 意思

me 我 (賓格)


accident 事故﹐意外事件

car accident 車禍

had 有 have 過去式。

move 動.

can’t 不能 can not 的縮寫。 。

over there 在那邊.


me 在句子裡是賓語,賓語是接受動作的人或物。英語的人稱代詞有兩組,一組是主語代詞,我們已經學過了。“I, you , he, she, we, and they.”還有一組是賓語代詞。比如說請給我“Please give me”而不是“please give I.” 這和漢語不一樣﹐漢語的“我”不論做什麼語都是我﹐不變。這點大家要注意。我們這個對話裡的句子“Please tell me” 就是這樣﹐意思是請告訴我。 “What happened”意思是發生了什麼。“Please tell me what happened.” 請告訴我發生 了什麼。


Please help me. 請幫我

What’s the matter? 怎麼了﹖

My friend is injured. 我朋友受傷了。

He needs an ambulance. 他需要救護車

Please tell me what happened. 請告訴我發生了什麼。

We had a car accident. 我們出車禍了。

My friend can’t move. 我朋友不能動了

Don’t worry. I’ll call 9-1-1. 別著急﹐我給9-1-1 打電話。

Thank you. 謝謝。

Where is your friend? 你朋友在哪呢﹖

He’s over there next to my car. 他在緊挨着我的車的那邊

Okay, everything will be fine. 啊﹐一切都會好的。


Choking 窒息﹐有物卡在喉嚨裡

He’s choking. 他窒息了。

Bleeding 出血

I’m bleeding. 我出血了


I have a broken leg. 我的腿斷了

Burn 燒傷

She has a burn. 她燒傷了

Unconscious 昏迷

He’s unconscious. 他昏迷了


A: Hello, 9-1-1 emergency.

B: My house is on fire.

A: What is your name please?

B: My name is Ding Hui.

A: What is your address Ms. Ding.

B: I live at 1426 Main Street in Chinatown.

A: Don’t worry. The fire department is on the way.


Emergency 緊急情況

House 房子


on the way 在路上

Address 地址


Department 部門

Fire department 救火站


A: This is the doctor’s office. How may I help you?

B: Hello, my name is Ding Hui. I feel sick.

A: What’s the matter?

B: I have a stomach ache.

A: Do you want to make an appointment?

B: Yes, I do.

A: Can you come in this afternoon at 4 o’clock?

B: Sure. Thank you.

A: You’re welcome.

B: Good-bye.

A: Good-bye. See you at 4 o’clock.


help 幫助

How may I help you? 我怎麼能幫你﹖

matter 事情﹑問題﹑事務

What’s the matter? 你怎麼了﹖

Appointment 預定﹑約會

Do you want to make an appointment? 你想預約嗎﹖

Can you come in 你能來嗎

Can you come in this afternoon at 4 o’clock? 你今天下午四點來可以嗎﹖

dentist 牙醫

A: This is the dentist’s office. How may I help you?

B: Hello, my name is Ding Hui. I feel sick.

A: What’s the matter?

B: I have a tooth ache.

A: Do you want to make an appointment?

B: Yes, I do.

A: Can you come in this afternoon at 4 o’clock?

B: Sure. Thank you.

A: You’re welcome.

B: Good-bye.

A: Good-bye. See you at 4 o’clock.


A: Hello Ms. Ding.

B: Hello.

A: My name is Dr. Lee.

B: It is nice to meet you.

A: It is nice to meet you too. I’m sorry that you are sick today.

B: Yes, I feel bad.

A: What’s the matter.

B: I have an ear ache.

A: Oh really? I need to check your ears.

B: Okay.

A: You have an infection.

B: Oh!

A: Don’t worry. Here is some medicine.

B: Thank you.

A: Please take two pills every 4 hours.

B: Okay, I understand.

A: Good-bye.

B: Good-bye.


Ms. 女士﹐包括結婚的和不結婚的

Miss 女士﹐指沒結婚的或女孩。

Dr. 醫生的正式稱呼﹐博士。

Mr. 成年男人﹐包括結婚的和沒結婚的。

Mrs. 是夫人的意思﹐是結婚的。

check 檢查

I need to check 我需要檢查

infection 感染


pill 藥丸﹑藥粒

─ ─轉載自:新唐人電視台網

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