

Jessie Chen, David Lee
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WikiLeaks Founder Surrenders to Authorities


1. surrender: v. [səˋrɛndɚ] 自首
2. snuck: v. sneak偷偷潛入的過去式
3. warrant: n. [ˋwɔrənt] 授權令
4. allege: adj. [əˋlɛdʒd] 涉嫌的、據說的
5. extradition: n. [͵ɛkstrəˋdɪʃən]引渡
6. disproportionate: adj. [͵dɪsprəˋporʃənɪt] 不相稱
7. summon: n. [ˋsʌmən]傳喚
8. interrogation: n. [ɪn͵tɛrəˋgeʃən]審問
9. arrest warrant: n. 拘票
10. breach: v. [britʃ] 違反
11. row: n. [ro] 公開爭論
12. provoke: v. [prəˋvok] 激怒

Journalists and cameras waited to capture Julian Assange as he arrived at a London court, but missed him as he snuck in a side entrance.

The WikiLeaks founder handed himself in to British police on Tuesday in response to a warrant for his arrest issued in Sweden over alleged sex crimes.

He denies all allegations.

The City of Westminster Magistrate’s court is likely to set a date for an extradition hearing which must take place within 21 days of his arrest.

Assange’s lawyer believes the legal pressure on him has been disproportionate.

[Jennifer Robinson, Lawyer for Julian Assange]:
“Now instead of even seeking a formal summons for his interrogation she has gone direct for an arrest warrant so we absolutely think it is disproportionate and we don’t even have the full evidence. Mr Assange still has not seen the full allegations against him or the potential charges he faces in a language which he understands which is English and this in clear breach of his human rights under the European Convention of Human Rights.”
[Jennifer Robinson, Lawyer for Julian Assange] [Jennifer Robinson,亞桑傑律師說]:

Assange’s WikiLeaks website is at the center of a row over the release of 250,000 secret U.S. diplomatic cables and has provoked fury in Washington with its publications.

His legal team has said it will mount a challenge in the British courts to any Swedish attempt to have the Australian citizen extradited.

本專欄由前衛英語李德良主編 www.davidlee.url.tw

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