

Justin Lee, David Lee
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Chinese Netizens React to Possible Google.cn Departure

1. netizen : n. 由 net 和 citizen 拼綴而成,網路公民、網民
2. censorship :n. 審查(制度)、檢查(制度)
3. reel :vt. 使旋轉、使眩暈、使搖晃
4. sophisticated : adj. 複雜的、精密的、高度發展的
5. infrastructure :n. 基礎建設
6. reassess : vt.對…再評價、再評估

Google’s announcement on Tuesday that it may pull out of China over censorship and email hacking has left many Chinese netizens reeling.

Some users have expressed their sorrow over the prospect that Google may soon follow in the footsteps of other online services that can no longer be accessed in China

A blogger who created the page “Give me back Google” writes:
“YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, Word Press, Google… all of the world’s best websites and services are leaving China one by one. This is perhaps the biggest sorrow for the Chinese people of our time.”
一個部落格在他建立了一個網頁”谷歌 給我回來”寫著:「YouTube、臉書、推特、博客、WordPress、谷歌… 所有世界最好的網站和服務,一個個遠離中國,可能是我們這個時代作為中國人最大的悲哀。」

Supporters of the search engine giant have also been placing flowers and cards in front of its Beijing headquarters.

This news article on the subject on Sina.com has generated nearly 4,000 replies.

One reply says, “Google deserves our support.”

While another one says, “Baidu is very ordinary, I’ve always used Google. Even if it leaves, I will connect to an overseas Google.”

Baidu is China’s largest search engine and online service provider.

On Tuesday, Google senior executive David Drummond announced via an official blog that the company is no longer willing to censor search results on its search engine in China—google.cn. It came after the company discovered a, “highly sophisticated and targeted attack” on their corporate infrastructure that originated from China.

Google says it plans to stop censoring search results, and reassess whether it can continue business operations in China.

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1. it may pull out of China

2. censorship and email hacking

3. left many Chinese netizens reeling

4. Some users have expressed their sorrow

5. Google may soon follow in the footsteps of other online services

6. search engine giant

7. placing flowers and cards

8. online service provider

9. highly sophisticated and targeted attack

10. corporate infrastructure

11. to stop censoring search results,

12. reassess whether it can continue business operations

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