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互聯網已經成為維護當今信息流通自由和作為基本人權之一的言論自由的主戰場。在信息自由的演變過程中,谷歌引領潮流並成為了整個世界不可或缺的資源。然而,最近尤其是2009年以來,中國政府對互聯網的審查升級到前所未有的程度,許多商業機構都不得不屈從審查壓力。我們完全理解谷歌過去在中國的營運所面臨的困境,以及谷歌對其中國營運的評估:” 繼續我們中國營運的決定有難以置信的困難,我們也深知任何決定都可能帶來的長期影響。” 這就是為什麼我們為谷歌做出的上述決定深深打動,並希望通過這一機會表示我們的堅定支持。毫無疑問,谷歌為大家作出了榜樣,並打破了過去利潤高於道德價值的商務模式。谷歌並不孤單!全世界愛好自由的人們與谷歌站在一起。




美國首都 華盛頓, January 13, 2010


IFCSS Applaud Google』s Decision to End Censorship in China

Independent Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars in the U.S. applauds Google』s decision to end censorship of its search engine in China. It exhibits Google’s high stands on business ethics and principles of freedom of speech.

The Internet has become the ultimate channel in the battle for the free flow of information and the fundamental human rights of free speech. In the evolution of freedom of information, Google has been a champion, an invaluable resource for people all over the world. However, in recent years, particularly since 2009, China’s censorship of the Internet has intensified to an entirely new level, and business entities are being pressured to surrender to Chinese censorship demands. We understand entirely how difficult it has been for Google to operate in China, we concur completely its assessment that “The decision to review our business operations in China has been incredibly hard, and we know that it will have potentially far-reaching consequences.” That is why we are deeply touched by its decision, and want to use this opportunity to offer our profound support.

Without any doubt, Google’s resolution sets an example for others to follow. It lays the ground work to break a business pattern that puts profitability over and above ethics and moral value. Google is not alone. The freedom-loving communities around the globe are with Google!

We also wish to renew our call on Chinese authorities to release Shi Tao, a journalist who was sentenced to 10 years in prison for his courage to defy Beijing』s media censorship. He was arrested after Chinese police obtained information of his email account from Yahoo.

Founded in 1989 after the Tiananmen tragedy, the Independent Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars in the U. S. (IFCSS) is a non-profit organization with nationwide membership (www.ifcss.org). Our mission is to promote human rights, freedom and democracy in China. For years, email accounts of members of this organization have suffered break-in by hackers, which is most likely to be politically motivated. To support Google in safeguarding the internet freedom, is to protect the fundamental rights of freedom of speech for everyone around the world. We call upon citizens of civilized societies to stand up and show strong support to Google against the censorship of all kinds, on and off the cyberworld, from the Chinese government.

Independent Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars in the U.S.

January 13, 2010 (//www.dajiyuan.com)


谷歌遭襲 澳洲綠黨呼籲政府向中共施壓