

Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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我拚命忍着不去抓挠红疮。“挟控”说:“你很能忍, 我都佩服。”



Not long after I was put in the labor camp, the running water pipe broke down. Every day, each detainee was allowed to have only a pail of dirty river water for washing and bathing.

When the running water came a month later, I began suffering from red boils all over my body.

It was tropical midsummer then, and it was even hotter on the island, with the temperature constantly above thirty degrees Celsius. The guards forced me to run and do exercises under the hottest, scorching sunlight at noon for several hours on end, which made the red boils become more wildly itchy and sore.

The guards only allowed Dafa practitioners to take fifteen minutes’ bath every day. Within the fifteen minutes, I had to dash from the cell on the first floor to the bathroom on the ground floor, undress, wash my clothes, take the bath, dash out of the bathroom to hang up my laundry, and dash back to the cell on the first floor. Throughout the process, the watching-detainee kept scolding me venomously at my side, “Hurry up! Hurry up! You are too slow!”

Every time I finished the bath, I was sweaty all over.

The guards had assigned me the hottest bunk in the cell. Lying on the bunk at night, I was soaked in sweat feeling like being steamed in a steamer. The red boils went so itchy and sore like swarms of worms were gnawing frenziedly at my body.

One night, I left the bunk and lay down on the floor so as to get a shred of coolness. Two minutes later a guard came into the cell and ordered me, “Get back to the bunk!”

Night after night, lying awake in the bunk, I recited Zhuan Falun and Master Li’s scriptures in my heart repeatedly… until the light of dawn shone in the cell.

In daytime, in the steaming hot labor camp factory, I sat on a hard stool laboring for over fifteen hours on end every day, making fluffy toys. The red boils on my buttocks soon developed into pustules, sticking with my sweat -soaked pants.

When getting back to the cell after a long day’s labor, I had dirty fluff and sweat covering up my whole body. But the guards didn’t allow me to take the bath; rather, they ordered the watching-detainee to read the CCP propaganda materials slandering Dafa loudly in my ears.

I immediately started reciting Zhuan Falun in my heart.

One hour, two hours, three hours… As I kept reciting Zhuan Falun in my heart, Dafa kept granting me the strong willpower to tolerate.

A labor camp doctor had prescribed me a sticky ointment, telling me to keep my body clean and dry, and to bathe at least twice a day.

Yet the guards didn’t follow the doctor’s order. Rather, they forced me to smear the ointment on my sweat-soaked, dirty body; when I refused to do so, they told the other detainees that Falun Gong practitioners refused to take medicine when getting sick.

Under the guards’ command, the watching-detainee around me scolded me hard, “Since you refuse to smear the ointment, you are not allowed to scratch the boils! If you ever scratch, we’ll make you smear the ointment!”

The guards and the watching detainees once had handcuffed and stripped a fellow practitioner, forcefully smearing the ointment on her sweaty body.

I endured the severe itchiness with all my might and hardly scratched the red boils. The watching-detainee said, “You are very good at forbearing. I admire you.”

Seven months later, the red boils all over my body naturally disappeared.

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