

Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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他们说,北工大的校长就是因为炼法轮功被开除了,“这么多知识分子炼,肯定有原因的。” “法轮功肯定有好的地方,不然不会有那么多人炼。” “老师,您能不能给本《转法轮》我们看看?”











“I’m very happy tonight(今晚我非常开心)”(待续)


I moved out of Li’s home and moved into a shabby underground inn near Beijing Science and Technology University. Hearing that there was an English Corner in the university, where students practiced their oral English once a week, I went to have a look one night.

Finding my English not bad, many students surrounded me and asked me: How to memorize English words? How to get good grades in English exams? What’s the secret for learning English? …

They revealed a restless mentality eager for quick success and instant benefit. I was like that before.

After practicing Dafa I started enlightening to that: If learning something with too strong a desire for wealth and fame, it would be hard to perceive the beauty of that thing.

The progress I made in English within half a year after obtaining Dafa far exceeded the progress I made over the previous several years.

I said to the students, “I think that the ultimate secret for learning English, for learning anything, lies in mentality.”

Then I began telling them how Dafa had given me a good mentality, how good Dafa was, through to the ongoing persecution.

For such a public occasion it was a risky topic. I would be arrested right away once someone snitched.

Nevertheless I talked sincerely and fearlessly, and I began speaking Chinese so that all of the students could understand.

Fear showed in the students’ eyes. They left me one by one. A male student interrupted me haughtily, “Can’t you stop talking about this and just tell us how to get good grades in English exams?”

I said to him earnestly, “I am trying to share with you some things that are more important than how to get good grades in English exams, such as faith, such as how to be a human being.”

The male student instantly left with frosty looks.

A tall male student wearing glasses asked me in puzzlement, “Teacher, do you think that we students should only concentrate on attending classes or we should also concern for the happenings in society?”

“The latter,” I replied.

The male student nodded thoughtfully and stayed on to listen to me.

He and another three male students listened intently to me for three hours. When the time for the English Corner was up, they pushed their bicycles and slowly walked me toward the entrance to the university.

They told me that the principal of the university had been fired because he practiced Falun Gong. “There are so many intellectuals practicing Falun Gong. There must be a reason for it.” “There must be something good about Falun Gong, otherwise there wouldn’t be so many people practicing it.” “Teacher, Could you please give us a Zhuan Falun to read?”

I had brought five copies of Zhuan Falun to Beijing. In order to protect the books, I didn’t eat or drink during the two-day journey on the crowded train.

“I’d be very glad to present each of you a Zhuan Falun. I’ll bring to you tomorrow.”

“No! I want It right now!” one of the male students said.

“It’s already midnight. Isn’t tomorrow fine?”

“No, it’s not fine! I want to read It tonight! I can read It for the whole night!”

“But the book is at the inn where I stay…”

“I can give you a ride back in my bike to fetch It!”

His intense eagerness reminded me of myself before obtaining Dafa.

In the doorway of the underground inn on that night, the male student obtained a Zhuan Falun from my hands.

He held the book with both his hands, first looked up at the moon, and then looked down at my eyes and said, “I’m very happy tonight.”

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