

Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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老太太后来被关进看守所时,看守所所长特许她将《转法轮》带了进去 —— 那是一个连一张纸片都不允许带入的地方。(待续)


By Yan’s introduction, I met three Beijing fellow practitioners who had just got out of the brainwashing gulags.

I asked Ian if he was interested in interviewing them. He said he was.

So on an morning I checked in the Hilton Hotel, which Ian chose, thinking that it would be safer to do the interview there. The Wall Street Journal would meet the hotel expenses.

Twenty minutes after my checking in, Ian came to my hotel room. Seeing that he took out a small camera from his pocket, I asked him why he didn’t bring along a video camera, which he had said he would.

Ian told me:

“The anniversary of the June 4 is drawing near. A professor from the People’s University is to meet us foreign correspondents secretly today, disclosing some things about the June Fourth massacre. Thus all of the correspondents living in the Correspondents Compound went out early this morning carrying video cameras. I guess they must be followed. So I didn’t carry the video camera, but just walked to the supermarket barehanded with my wife, and then came here from the supermarket.”

The three fellow practitioners soon came to the hotel room too. In a peaceful manner, they related the tortures they had suffered in the brainwashing gulags.

Ian scribbled on his writing pad with grim looks.

One of the practitioners related her going on hunger strike in the brainwashing gulag for resisting the persecution. Every day, the doctors and guards of the gulag violently force-fed her a kind of sickening mixture of salt and soya milk.

The mixture was not designed for giving her nutrition, but for making her painful. It was the means commonly used in the CCP’s brainwashing gulags, labor camps, and prisons for torturing the Dafa practitioners on hunger strike.

Force-feeding made the practitioner vomit painfully. Amidst the severe pain she still remembered Master Li’s teaching of being considerate of others in all respects. She carefully tried her best to not let her throwing-up stain the doctors and guards, who were violently pressing her on the chair. One of the doctors was moved to tears and said to her emotionally, “I really don’t want to do this to you! I really don’t want to do this to you! We were ordered to do so! I really don’t want to do this to you!”

When the interview was done, Ian took photos for the three Dafa practitioners.

They all faced the camera smilingly.

Before they left, they presented Ian a Zhuan Falun.

Ian held the book with both his hands and said to them sincerely, “I know how precious the book is. You have suffered so much for protecting It.”

The sight made me recall a sixty-year-old female Dafa practitioner.

She was once detained in the same cell of a jail with a Beijing fellow practitioner I knew.

The elderly lady practiced Falun Gong in Tiananmen Square and thus was arrested. In the Tiananmen Police Station, over ten policemen surrounded her and beat her – attempting to snatch up the pocket-sized Zhuan Falun in her pocket.

A policeman landed a kick on her chest, where she suffered from a serious illness before practicing Dafa.

She said to the policeman, “Had I not practiced Falun Gong, the kick of yours could have killed me! Today, I will not let you take away my book even if you take away my life!”

Eventually, the policemen failed to snatch up the book.

When the elderly lady was put in jail later, the warden exceptionally allowed her to take the Zhuan Falun into jail — where usually even a scrap of paper was not allowed in.

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