

Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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Hamish suggested that I should check into a hotel to take a rest first. I said it might be risky, for I had known through newspapers that the CCP had ordered all the star-hotels in the country to inform the local Public Security Department of their guests’ identities within three hours after their checking in.

Hamish thus decided to take me to a place where I could stay for a while.

We talked along the way.

“Why are you interested in interviewing Dafa practitioners?” I asked Hamish.

“You are courageous. Now there are still Dafa practitioners going to Tiananmen Square every day. Very active.”

I recalled us four Dafa practitioners holding up a banner in Tiananmen Square four years earlier…

“I once worked with a foreign correspondent in Beijing four years ago.”


“Ian Johnson.”

“He won the Pulitzer Prize for his coverage of Falun Gong.”

Later on I got to know that, four years earlier, after obtaining the contact number of Miss Chen’s family, Ian went to Weifang while an international kite festival was being held there, and interviewed with Miss Chen’s family.

After the interview Ian wrote an article, relating how Miss Chen had been tortured to death in the CCP’s brainwashing gulag due to adhering to her belief in Dafa.

The article was published in the front page of Wall Street Journal on April 20, 2001. It made a stir in the United States and won the 2001 Pulitzer Prize for Ian.

That night, in the dwelling place Hamish found for me, I wrote a concise letter to Ian.

“Over the past several years, I have met a lot of heroes, and you are one of them…”

My tears dripped on the writing-paper.

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