

Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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Depriving of sleep was one of the means by which the CCP forced labor camps tortured Dafa practitioners.

While I was in Back Yard, a watching-inmate suddenly told me, “From now on you can’t sleep! You dare sleep, I’m going to beat you to death!”

I immediately told her to inform the brigade chief: I wanted to see her.

Several hours later, the chief came to an office in Back Yard and had me out of the cell. “What’s the business, Yiwen Tang?”

“A watching-inmate said I can’t sleep from now on. Was it you who gave the order?”

“Oh, want to sleep? Then give up Falun Gong.”

“Was it you who gave the order?”

“If you still don’t renounce Falun Gong, your husband will dump you soon!”

“Was it you who gave the order not to let me sleep?”

“Yes! So what?!”

“Then you are to blame if anything happens to me!”

Her tone suddenly weakened, “Can let you go to bed at midnight. Even at ten if you renounce Falun Gong.”

“I’m not here begging you to let me go to bed.”

When midnight came, I didn’t lie down on the bunk, for lying down would cause sleepiness. Standing up from the tiny plastic stool I had been sitting on, pulling the disabled leg, I started limping back and forth in the tiny cell while reciting Zhuan Falun in my heart.

“Why haven’t you gone to bed?” the night guard asked.

“Exercise my leg a little,” I replied.

They also wanted my leg getting well quickly, so the guard walked away without saying anything.

I had resolved to make them see: No torture, including deprivation of sleep, could make me renounce Dafa; every torture they inflicted on us could only make us become even more steadfast.

Their not letting me sleep actually was giving me an opportunity to recite Zhuan Falun, which I treasured very much. Tribulations came ceaselessly behind bars. I had to make the best use of every opportunity to recite Zhuan Falun diligently, only by which could I have strong willpower to break through whatever tribulations.

It was already 2:00a.m. next day. I was still limping back and forth in the cell reciting Zhaun Falun while fighting with sleepiness, exhaustion and pain. When my legs hurt too badly to limp, I sat down for a minute, then stood up and resumed limping.

I gradually gained more and more strength with the reciting.

Seeming to sense something, the guard suddenly materialized outside the cell window thundering, “Yiwen Tang! Four o’clock now! Go to bed this instant!”

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