

Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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One day, I suffered brainwashing all day, and then was scolded by two guards from 8:00p.m.to 8:00a.m.next day without a minute of cease.

“We are not letting you sleep! See how long you can hold on! There is only one of you, while there are a lot of us! We can battle against you in relays!”

They sat on the chairs scolding me hysterically.

It was really hard to believe one could scold people so fiercely, and for so long.

That was one of the common grounds the Chatou and Sanshui guards shared. In their heads there was not the concept of convincing people by virtues and reason; they only resorted to tyranny and suppression.

At 8:00a.m. next day, as soon as the two day-shift guards came, the two night guards slumped down on the beds in the air-conditioned room.

But they didn’t let me sleep.

The new day went through the same pattern: brainwashing all day and scolding all night, without letting me close my eyes for a second. The guards started “battling in relays” against me.

Every day, the battle ended up the guards slumping down on the beds while I was still sitting on the tiny stool reciting Zhuan Falun.

Later on I no longer cared how long this “battling in relays” would last and how many guards would join in it, because Dafa was unceasingly granting me stronger and stronger willpower, and I had come to appreciate that, true strength didn’t lie in sheer force of numbers, but lie in indestructible, righteous faiths.

If they carried on “battling in relays,” they would be the ones who would drop.

Then one night, scolding me till 2:00a.m., one of the guards suddenly thundered at me, “Yiwen Tang! Go to bed!”

I remained seated on the tiny plastic stool reciting Zhuan Falun without budging. With the reciting I had been gaining more and more strength, so I hadn’t wanted to sleep yet.

“You don’t need sleep but we need sleep!” the guard thundered at me.

The “battling in relays” was closed for the time being.

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