

Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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Xia asked me where I had been as soon as I came back to the cell.

Xia had lately been sent to the cell to watch me. I taught her English and writing behind the guards’ back. We got along very well.

She said worriedly after I told her, “Do you really expect the CCP to redress the wrong for you? Do you know? — the guards, including the Third Brigade chief, have always been telling us watching-inmates blatantly, ‘Beat those Falun Gong if they are not obedient!’”

Some other watching-inmates had also told me the same thing.

The inmates called the Third Brigade chief “mob queen” behind her back, saying she was evil, ruthless, and spoke obscene language.

“I’m not counting on the CCP to redress the wrong for me. I just think that as a Dafa practitioner, I should dare to speak truthfully and safeguard Truth under any circumstances,” I said to Xia.

“What if they take revenge on you?”

“I take no thought of that.”

After dinner, I still felt exhausted and faint.

I had to sit quietly on the tiny plastic stool for a while, meanwhile pondered how to write.

When 9:00p.m. came, I had to start writing.

When I asked the night guard to give me some paper, she only gave me three sheets. When I asked for more, she said, “It’s enough. You don’t have to write so much. You are weak; should go to bed earlier.”

Her words made me feel like laughing. While they had constantly deprived me of sleep, tonight they wanted me going to bed as early as possible.

Sitting on the tiny plastic stool, I used the bunk as desk (There was no desk in the cell).

The guard frequently came into the cell or went up to the cell window telling me, “Stop writing. Enough.”

I ignored her, just focused on writing.

When the three sheets of paper were spent, I asked the guard to give me more. She only gave me two sheets.

When the two sheets were spent, I asked her for more…

When midnight came, I was so weak I couldn’t even hold the pen, my hands were shaking, my mind turned all blank, and I was ready to faint!

I immediately rest my head on the bunk for a little while, desperately encouraging myself in my heart, “Hold on!! Hold on!! You can’t faint at such a critical moment!! Carry on writing!! Daybreak is coming soon!”

Gathering up all my strength, I lifted my head, clutched the pen and resumed writing.

Non-stop, I wrote the whole night. When I finished writing seventeen pages of my testimony, it was already 7:00a.m. next day.

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