美国总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)周四(9月9日)签署一项行政令,要求所有联邦政府行政部门的员工和联邦承包商强制接种疫苗。
南达科他州州长克里斯蒂·诺姆(Kristi Noem)推文说:“南达科他州将站起来捍卫自由。乔·拜登法庭见。”
South Dakota will stand up to defend freedom. see you in court.
— Governor Kristi Noem (@govkristinoem)
乔治亚州州长布莱恩·坎普(Brian Kemp)也对拜登的言论做出了回应。
I will pursue every legal option available to the state of Georgia to stop this blatantly unlawful overreach by the Biden administration.
— Governor Brian P. Kemp (@GovKemp)
俄克拉荷马州州长凯文·斯蒂特(Kevin Stitt)在声明中说,“只要我是州长,州内就不会有政府强制接种疫苗。”
德克萨斯州州长格雷格·艾伯特(Greg Abbott)宣布,该州已经在进行阻止拜登疫苗强制令的“夺权”工作。
阿拉巴马州州长基·艾维(Key Ivey)也发表声明,她打算反对这项强制行政令。
Once again, has missed the mark. His outrageous, overreaching mandates will no doubt be challenged in the courts. Read my full statement below.
— Governor Kay Ivey (@GovernorKayIvey)
怀俄明州州长马克·戈登(Mark Gordon)也发表声明说,强制疫苗接种“现在不行,以后也不行”。
田纳西州州长比尔·李(Bill Lee)表示,他广泛反对联邦的疫苗强制令。
For a fight that requires working together, a lot of cynical and divisive edicts came out of the White House today pitting the vaccinated against the unvaccinated, businesses against employees, and the federal government against states.
— Gov. Bill Lee (@GovBillLee)
内布拉斯加州州长皮特·里基茨(Pete Ricketts)也宣布,该州反对联邦政府权力的过度扩张。
President Biden’s announcement is a stunning violation of personal freedom and abuse of the federal government’s power. This plan isn’t about public health – this is about government control and taking away personal liberties.
— Gov. Pete Ricketts (@GovRicketts)
爱达荷州州长布拉德·利特尔(Brad Little)也发表了一份声明说:“拜登总统今天的行动是政府行为过度。政府应尽可能不涉及雇主及其雇员的决策。我一直倡导并支持减少政府对企业的监管和强制令。”
Today’s actions from President Biden amount to government overreach. Government should stay out of decisions involving employers and their employees as much as possible. I’ve advocated for and championed fewer government regulations and mandates on business.
— Brad Little (@GovernorLittle)
爱荷华州州长金·雷诺兹(Kim Reynolds)也发表声明表示反对联邦疫苗强制令。
As I’ve said all along, I believe and trust in Iowans to make the best health decisions for themselves and their families. It’s time for President Biden to do the same. Enough is enough. (3/3/)
— Gov. Kim Reynolds (@IAGovernor)
南卡罗来纳州州长亨利·麦克马斯特(Henry McMaster)也发表了一份声明,宣布反对联邦的强制措施。
The American Dream has turned into a nightmare under President Biden and the radical Democrats. They have declared war against capitalism, thumbed their noses at the Constitution, and empowered our enemies abroad.
— Gov. Henry McMaster (@henrymcmaster)
密苏里州州长迈克·帕森(Mike Parson)宣布,他的州将站出来反对最新的行政令。
This heavy-handed action by the federal government is unwelcome in our state and has potentially dangerous consequences for working families. (2/3)
— Governor Mike Parson (@GovParsonMO)
亚利桑那州州长道格·杜西(Doug Ducey)也发表声明,反对联邦政府的强制令。
Maybe it’s because they realize this is pure government overreach. Maybe it’s because they realize this will only make workforce shortages worse. Or maybe it’s simply a case of “rules for thee, not for me.” It’s hypocrisy and Arizona will not stand for it. 2/2
— Doug Ducey (@dougducey)
密西西比州州长塔特·里夫斯(Tate Reeves)也宣布该州反对这项行政令。
The President has no authority to require that Americans inject themselves because of their employment at a private business. The vaccine itself is life-saving, but this unconstitutional move is terrifying. This is still America, and we still believe in freedom from tyrants.
— Tate Reeves (@tatereeves)