

Daniel Chen, David Lee
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“Quit Facebook Day” Declared for May 31

1. disgruntle :v. 使不高兴
2. complicated: adj. 复杂的
3. privacy: n. 隐私权
4. commit: v. 投入、致力于
5. mishandle: v. 处理不当
6. Enough was enough:受够了!
7. nuts: adj. (俚)发疯的

Disgruntled Facebook users, angry over the social networking site’s complicated privacy settings, have declared May 31 “Quit Facebook Day”.

So far, more than 23,000 Facebook users have publicly committed to close their accounts, concerned that the social networking site is making it difficult for individuals to manage their data and privacy settings.
到目前为止,已有超过 23,000名脸书用户公开要求关闭其账户,因该社交网站在个人资料管理与隐私设定上很难用。

The online petition was started by Toronto-based design strategist Matthew Milan and web technologist Joseph Dee, who claim Facebook is mishandling users’ data.

[Joseph Dee, “Quit Facebook Day” Co-Founder]:
“We don’t value the way that you do business. We don’t think that you’re an ethical company and we have a choice of where we choose to be and it’s not on that network.”

The “Quit Facebook Day” co-founder said the two men simply decided enough was enough, and that they would close their accounts.

[Joseph Dee, “Quit Facebook Day” Co-Founder]:
“We worked for like two days to set up a pretty quick and dirty website for people to sort of share the values that we had and put their name to it and that’s how it was born.”

Dee said the response to the campaign had been overwhelming.

[Joseph Dee, “Quit Facebook Day” Co-Founder]:
“It’s been crazy. It’s been nuts. It’s turned into an international story.”

1. approximately: adv. 大约
2. deactivate :v. 撤消
3. self-confessed :adj. 自我招供的
4. exodus :n. 离开;外出
5. backlash: n. 反弹
6. beef up :ph. 加强;加重

On May 28, approximately 23,413 “Committed Facebook Quitters” had signed the online petition. Dee admitted he was unsure how many of those Facebook users would actually deactivate their accounts on the day.

Self-confessed Facebook addict, 21-year-old German exchange student Ramona Raba, said although she had some concerns about the social networking site’s privacy controls, she would never quit her account.

[Ramona Raba, Facebook User]:
“I wouldn’t quit it. Never. I don’t think so. I don’t want to quit Facebook because like I have too many friends there and everything, so it’s useful for me and I wouldn’t quit it.”

Wired.com’s New York bureau chief, John Abel, said he doubted many Facebook users would actually go ahead and end their accounts on May 31.

[John Abel, Wired.com]:
“I don’t think there’s going to be a huge exodus. There certainly hasn’t been, and it’s been maybe the worst two weeks PR-wise in the history of Facebook.”

Abel said even if all 23,000 dedicated Facebook quitters went ahead and closed their accounts, it would be a drop in the ocean considering the site has nearly 500 million members.

Faced with a growing backlash from users, Facebook this week announced it was beefing up privacy protections on the world’s most popular online social network.

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