No matter which girls he brought home, the young man found disapproval from his mother. A friend gave him advice.
“Find a girl just like your mother — then, she’s bound to like her.”
So the young man searched and searched, and finally found the girl.
He told his friendly adviser: “Just like you said, I found a girl who looked, talked, dressed, and even cooked like mother. And just as you said, mother liked her”.
“So,” asked the friend, “what happened?”
“Nothing,” said the young man. ” My father hates her!”
* * *
【David’s Notes】
1. disapproval这个字是approval 加上否定字首dis-而成的,approval是“同意、批准”,因此disapproval 就是不同意、不批准了。那么为什么approval是批准呢?approval 是名词,动词形是approve,approve这个字是prove证明,透过“强调的造字法则”─重复字首加上a所造出来的。批准就是特别证明的意思。(有关“强调的造字法则”请参看// bound to+V~这是个很常用的动词词组,意思是“一定”。
I’m bound to come your birthday party tomorrow night.