

Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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在酷熱的盛夏, 一連幾周被拷在床上、不許洗澡,大法弟子們身上開始長瘡,又癢又疼。










Wei went on strike again with the Dafa practitioners in the Fourth Brigade in resistance to the persecution.

The guards cuffed them under the hot sun for a long while, and then cuffed their arms and legs tightly to the bunks twenty-four hours a day.

In such a burning midsummer, being cuffed on the bunks without showering for several weeks straight, the Dafa practitioners began suffering from itchy and sore pustules.

The guards didn’t let the Dafa practitioners go to the toilet, but just ordered the watching-inmates: Whoever wanted to go to the toilet, put a basin under her body to get the business accomplished.

In order not to cause trouble to the watching-inmates, all the Dafa practitioners immediately stopped eating and drinking, quietly enduring the torture.

It was just then half Wei’s hair started going gray. She began looking much older than her twenty-eight-year-old age. The watching-inmates around her sympathized with her and requested her to eat a little. She politely refused.

The Dafa practitioners’ conduct was witnessed by all the inmates and watching-inmates in the Fourth Brigade. Many of them were transferred to the First Brigade later on and told me they admired Dafa practitioners very much.

Wei still refused to renounce Dafa after being tortured in Chatou for over two years. 610 thus decided to send her to a brainwashing gulag directly from Chatou.

The CCP had expressly built up numerous brainwashing gulags for persecuting Dafa practitioners. There was at least one brainwashing gulag in each district of Guangzhou, which outwardly was called Study Class or Law School. Many Dafa practitioners had no return after being put in there.

Upon knowing 610’s intention, Wei suddenly jumped off board into the Pearl River from the ferry taking her away from Chatou!

After the ferry employees got Wei aboard the ferry again, 610 dared not send her to the brainwashing gulag anymore.

They sent her home.

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