

Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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Li had been fired by his factory. The entire household relied on Mrs Li’s meager income as a factory worker.The Li household shared a shabby tiny kitchen with another household, and without a bathroom of their own, they shared a shabby public toilet with many people living in the neighborhood.

Though there were several cheap restaurants right near Li’s home, the Li household never patronized them; their usual meals were the cheapest noodles, rice, and preserved vegetable.

Li’s twelve-year-old daughter walked to school every day. When she sensed that I was thinking of buying her a little gift, she immediately said to me adorably, “Please don’t buy me anything. I really don’t need anything.”
Mrs Li rode an old bicycle to and from her factory, spending three hours on the road every day. She wrote down Master Li’s poems on a piece of paper and memorized them while riding to and from the factory.
She often worked night shift and rode home alone in the glacial wind after work; when she got home it was already one o’clock at night. Nonetheless she got up at four thirty every morning to practice the exercises. The four of us practiced together in the tiny room (Usually I slept on the bed with Li’s daughter, and the Lis slept on a thick cushion beside the bed).

Li went around on an old bicycle too: Attending fellow practitioners’ gatherings, making and spreading booklets, helping fellow practitioners who had come to Beijing from overseas and other places of China…
Though very poor materially, the Li household was very harmonious, happy, ever high-spirited, and witty. Being with them, I felt extremely happy.

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