Since July 20, 1999, the CCP had relentlessly slandered Falun Gong through TV, newspapers, magazines, and broadcasting. The propaganda bombardment soon worked.
I went to a neighborhood to visit a fellow practitioner. Being unable to find her home, I asked two elderly people chatting in the neighborhood. The instant they heard me saying “She practices Falun Gong,” they bounced away in alarm.
I went to a fellow practitioner’s home to share thoughts. Police soon materialized, saying that the neighbor had reported that Falun Gong adherents were holding a gathering. All of the practitioners present were arrested; I had left a step earlier prior to the police arrival due to having some urgent business to deal with.
A professor whispered to me in alarm upon seeing a Zhuan Falun on my desk in the office, “Amelia! You are reading a dangerous book!”
I sighed and said, “It is a good book.”