

Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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My sister and I had liked pondering over the mysteries of life since we were little: Where did we come from? Where would we go upon death? …

One night when I was four years old, while bathing inside a tiny wooden basin, I was lost in thought…thinking that I didn’t know where I came from and where I would go upon death, I felt so frightened I burst into tears sitting in the tiny wooden basin.

While I was in middle school, my geography teacher once read out the textbook in class, “The universe is boundlessly immense –” I questioned, “How immense is ‘boundlessly immense’, sir?” Teacher repeated icily, “The universe is boundlessly immense.” Wide-eyed, I asked in great puzzlement, “But how could an object be boundlessly immense, sir? It has to have bounds somehow, hasn’t it?” The entire class was quiet, anticipating an answer. But Teacher didn’t even look at me and continued chanting the textbook loudly and icily.

I once asked my biology teacher, “Where do people go upon death?” “Turn into ashes,” she replied. I felt extremely perplexed: Since we would all turn into ashes, why did people still vie and compete so hard for money, rank, and power? I kept reflecting on this question, but never dared ask any teacher or anyone.

While I was at elementary school, the gate of mainland China had not yet been opened; at that time, the CCP promoted the philosophy of fighting – “fight with heaven, fight with earth, fight with people.” At school, every pupil was forced to make a wooden spear (so-called Red Spear) and often wave it on stage, shouting loudly “Kill! Kill! Kill!” like young devils.

While I was at middle school, the gate of mainland China had just been opened; at that time, the CCP started promoting the pursuit of money, rank and power. The long poverty-stricken nation under its rule thus was swiftly plunged into going after material interests. At home, my parents kept lecturing my sister and me: You must go to college, have a successful profession and acquire wealth and rank in future, thereby bringing credit to your parents. At school, the pursuit of marks and going to well-known colleges had completely strangled the pursuit of truth, humanity, and the concern for students’ spiritual wellbeing. Attending school was like a nightmare for me. My heart felt extremely depressed and perplexed at school.

I got good marks from elementary school through to high school. At seventeen, I was admitted to one of the most well-known universities of mainland China. My parents were overjoyed; people around me were envious; but my heart was only imbued with puzzlement.

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