The fourth day of getting out of walls, accompanied by Father, I had my injured leg examined in two big hospitals in Guangzhou. The examination result verified that my leg had been injured badly due to the long time binding.
Father thought this could provide medical evidence for our lawsuit against 610 and Chatou in future.
The doctors all felt indignant while listening to me relating the torture. They said there was not any effective cure for my injured leg, and it was also hard to say when it could get well.
I never went to any hospital thereafter.
One night while I was writing this book, I went out the tiny room where I sectretly stayed to buy a pen.
I had focused on writing and barely walked for three days.
While walking down the street, I suddenly found my injured leg didn’t hurt anymore! The heavy, hurtful lump inside the injured foot had disappeared!
I found my injured leg had got well! I could walk normally again!
I was walking lightly like an angel with wings ready to fly!
I burst into tears and said in the core of my heart, “Thank you, Master Li!! Thank Dafa!!”