

Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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Upon coming home, my father got up at 3:00a.m.every day writing a letter, My SOS! He mailed the letter to all the relevant governmental agencies and officials, including the chiefs of the CCP Central Government, the State Public Security Department, the State Judicial and Lawful Department, the State Supreme Court, the Central Government 610 Office, and the Guangdong Provincial Government.

My father wrote in the letter:

“Since last year, I had unceasingly applied to the Haizhu District 610, the Guangzhou Labor Camp Bureau and the Chatou Female Forced Labor Camp for visitation with my daughter. But they all said: Your daughter was doing great in the forced labor camp; you didn’t need to visit her. Actually my daughter was suffering tortures in it! …They told me, ‘Your daughter is receiving education in the forced labor camp.’ Is the education the CCP forced labor camps give tortures?! Are the CCP officials liars?! Are the CCP forced labor camps’ guards hooligans of the underworld?! … Seeing my daughter’s miserable condition made me feel indescribably sad. My daughter has always been hard-working, kindhearted, and talented since she was young. But now the forced labor camp has disabled her leg, has tortured her to such weakness she can hardly talk and is dying! My daughter could be tortured to death in the forced labor camp at any minute! I’m here appealing for rescuing my daughter! …”

Father’s letters received no response, except that a bunch of 610 came to his home and threatened him not to tell people what had happened to me.

Father said to them indignantly, “I certainly must tell my fellow war veterans and my daughter in Australia! And I am going to Beijing! I have already packed my suitcase!”

He thereupon wrote another letter, My SOS Again!, which ended up no response either.

Eventually, Father had to turn to his old college classmate, a then high-ranking official in the Guangdong Provincial Government, requesting him to personally hand the SOS letters to the Secretary of the CCP Guangdong Provincial Government Committee.

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