
京都 寺廟之城

文/Tina Gionis
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Dear Joey,
I was right. Kyoto is much more mellow than Tokyo. It’s not as busy, and I don’t have to fight the crowds to see the sights. And there are so many sights to see here!

This used to be the capital of Japan, and it’s filled with huge, beautiful temples. Unlike Tokyo, there are many parks and hills. It’s a very green, peaceful city. There are also many teahouses in beautiful gardens. I’ve been spending a lot oftime at these eahouses trying to perfect the Japanese Tea Ceremony. It’s great seeing a side3 of Japan that is different from the huge metropolis of Tokyo! Can’t wait to hear how your trip is going!







Reading Passage

Kyoto, a city of temples, was the capital of Japan from 794 to 1868. Though it is no longer the nation’s capital, it is a major tourist destination and is a wonderful place to explore for its temples, gardens, and traditional Japanese culture that can sometimes be hard to find in the bigger cities of the country.

Japanese temples are famous for their simplicity and lack the color and decoration of Chinese temples. They are still considered beautiful and are more known for their elegance rather than their ornamentation. The Enryaku-ji complex of temples is one sight not to be missed in Kyoto. Built in 788 A. D, it consists of 120 temples and three beautiful pagodas. It’s on top of Mt. Hiei-zan and offers hiking opportunities and stunning views of all of Kyoto.



The Nishi-Hongan-ji Temple contains five buildings that are examples of the most beautiful artistic and architectural achievement of the Momoyama period which is when Kyoto was the capital of Japan. This temple is still the headquarters of the Jodo

Shinshu religious school which is a sect of Zen Buddhism. What used to be the retirement villa for Emperor Kameyama is now the Nanzenji Temple. It is one of the most famous Zen temples in the world, and if you visit it, you can see people meditating and paying respects to Buddha.

The San-mon Gate stands at the entrance to the temple and is impressive in both its beauty and immense size.Decorated with murals of birds and angels, it’s a wonderful way to enter the temple. The Leaping Tiger Garden is a classic Japanese garden. With a waterfall to gaze at and straw mats to sit on, it’s an ideal place to partake in the Japanese Tea Ceremony.



摘自《寄英文明信片給你——我的亞洲之旅》 寂天文化 提供◇

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