


【大紀元5月7日訊】2006年全僑春季健行將於五月七日(星期日)上午九時在百福水壩的啦妮兒公園 (Buford Dam Lanier Park) 舉行。這次活動由亞特蘭大中華總會主辦,僑務委員會輔導,贊助單位為:台北經濟文化辦事處、僑教中心主志團、美國味全公司、南方疏菜公司等等。


Direction to Lanier Park from 400

Take 400 N to exit 14

Turn Left on Hwy 20E

Turn Left at first traffic light onto Market Place Blvd

Continue past Home Depot and Lowes until road ends

Turn Right on Buford Dam road

Take approx‧ 8 miles

After crossing the Dam, continue on further, past the Dam store and East Bank Park

Take 1st Left after curve into Lanier Park

Direction to Lanier Park from I-85 or 985

Take I-85 to 985 North

Take exit 4 and turn Left onto Hwy 20 West toward Cumming

Continue on Hwy 20 approx 7 miles

Turn Right onto Suwannee Dam road

After until road ends and turn right on Buford Dam Road

After the curve in the road turn Left when you see the Lanier Park

