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Hold a Memorial Ceremony for the Sea   Hsu ChiCheng

The memorial for sea is progressing. It’s on the sandy beach.
At this moment, it’s cloudy the sky, and dry and hot, the clouds spread on the sky a block after a block, unfold far and near, though it’s no rain, but it delivers the feeling of sad, gloomy and unhappy. Looking toward the direction of the sea, the sea is located under the sky, corresponds to the sky, pounces on the sandy beach from the place of extreme far which connects with sea and sky. It’s a piece of super blue carpet follows the distance, the depth of the blue is also gradually decrease toward the sandy beach, from deep blue to light blue and grey blue. Near the sandy beach, due to the feeble of the wind, the spray just strolls to and fro ceaselessly, sends off low and small sound, likes murmur, somniloquy, recites in low voice, expresses the heartfelt emotion with low and deep voice…in fact, the appropriate may be a moan froth at the mouth ceaselessly with agony.
“Wishing the sea god and ancestors bless us, let us safe and health, crop in fishing…” no matter he is the officiate at funeral or accompany, no matter he is the male or female, may incense or no, this is the words of prayer of everyone, the ardent hope of every one. They may say from the mouth, may tell within the depth of their inner heart.
“Be rest!” This is the word of console every one in his inner heart to the person who meets the misfortune of marine perils. This is the same word of prayer, may they tell, and also tell within their inner hearts.
As far as the earth, the sea area is larger originally, above 70%, is far lager than land for many times, enclosed the fish and mineral reserves the resources it contains as it should be the level is surely larger far beyond than on the land quite a lot, be inexhaustible in supply and always available for use. Though we say “rely to the mountain as near the mountain, rely the sea as near the sea”; but, we compare with area and resources of the land and sea area, whoever will knows whatever how foolish he is that, it’s better for you to plow the sea than to plow the field, it’s better to ask the sea for you to plant the land. But in fact we all plow the field and less to plow the sea, to plant the land and less to ask the sea. Why? The most important reason is that it’s more stable on the land, less danger, the sea area is unstable, always blow hot and cold, a person on board, floating on the sea likes a duckweed rootless, is usually, let alone to meet the special circumstance? For example, to meet typhoon, to meet tsunami, the breakers surging incessantly, some times the sound of the exploding shakes whole the world, the wave high raises onto several layers, surpasses several floors, a person on board even the old sailor, let alone ordinary person, will feel terribly dizzy and not comfortable from swaying and shaking and jolting, even dead nearly, can no help vomiting, even spits out the bile, till bumps into the submerged reef and sinking the ship therefore, how many persons will be lost their life, how many married couples will be broken therefore, how many harmony families will be destroyed therefore, let’s tremble with fear on hearing it, listless and shiver.
In front of the raging sea, a person is truly tiny, can not do anything to help, just sigh in vain. It’s apparently that to ask the sea is more toilsome and danger than to ask life on the land. It’s to make a desperate fight! The crop in fishing is uncertain, and also the misfortune of marine. Is the ship meet with the typhoon, rainstorm, tsunami, bump into the submerged reef? Or is the ship lost its voyage because of the fog is too dense? …all are possible. We always shameless the god or ghost to be blamed while we meet the thing which we can’t know or ascertain. This is the main cause the religion is formed. The reason is here: the more the danger the more the temple. We often view that the temple at the area of mountain and sea side are more than the area of flat ground, the reason is this primary factor. The temples at the fishing villa often crowns whole the world.
The origin of the memorial ceremony for the sea, mainly is the thing which we can’t know or ascertain, makes us worry and fear.
So, the memorial ceremony for the sea appears: burn incense, worship, commemorate, pray, sumo, pull net…may severe in air, may unfold frame of mind, may physical exercise, may skilled craft…The construction work may grand, may waste so much cow and money, may prolix style and hackneyed rites; in fact, it’s greater in the meaning of the symbolic meaning, in short, not beyond to expiate the sins of the dead who meets the misfortune of marine perils, let them be rest, Wishing the sea god and ancestors bless all of us safe and health, crop in fishing…
“Rest!” This is the words of the pray, ardent expectation, floating in their mind, and also floating every space, likes the feeble sound of the spray outside the sandy beach:” Wishing the sea god and ancestors bless all of us safe and health, crop in fishing…”
Follows the passes of the time, the twilight comes slowly, the clouds and the dusk march together, more and more dense, cover the earth and sea surface, cover the memorial ceremony for the sea…

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