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無可否認地,任何行為,只要不是破壞性的,都有其存在的價值;但是,唯有創造, 是人世間最美好最可貴的行為,是唯一的,再無其他。

人世間,芸芸眾生,大都庸庸碌碌,反覆著不知已經反覆了幾千幾百次了的行為,讓 人類文化停滯不前,甚至向後拉。真正創造性的行為有多少?這些創造性的行為,是 由很少數的人所做的。他們是真正引領人類文化向前向上的人。他們就像火車頭,每 天運動力量,拖著車箱,向前行進,即使氣喘吁吁,汗流浹背,疲憊不堪,仍然樂此 不疲。


之有源。欲其根基深厚堅牢,水源充足不竭,平日的堆積、儲存、醞釀是極需要的。 任何事,欲其有成,本來就必須付出;付出得越多,成功的可能性就越大。

雖然任何行為,只要不是破壞性的,都有其存在的價值;但是,無可否認地,創造性 的行為是人世間最美好最可貴的行為。我們應不辭勞苦,絞盡腦汁,努力以赴。

Creation  Hsu ChiCheng

We can’t deny that no matter any behaviour if it’s not in destructive all has the value to exist; however, only the creation is the best and most valuable behaviour in the world, no of else.
Almost all the mortal beings in the world are mediocre and unambitious, do the behaviour what they repeated the behaviour of hundred or thousand times, made the culture stay bog down, even back ward. How many true creation behaviours are there in the world? These creation behaviours are made by a few persons. They are the people who led upward of the culture of human being. They are like the locomotive, operate their power to draw the carriages, move forward, even lose their breath, sweat streaming, exhausted, they always enjoy it.
May someone can’t agree with this statement, point out that is individualism; in fact it’s not so. Fair is up to majority, it’s share; but truth is often in the side of minority. Especially, as in invent and discover of most advanced branch of science, advanced guard art and profound philosophic theory. The reason we respect of minority is based on it.
Invent and discover are the behaviour. Creation isn’t out of the void, it needs basis, likes tree must have root, river must have source. Want to have profound and firm foundation, abundant in the source, the pile up, store and brew ordinarily is extreme need. Any thing wants it to success, it must offer originally; the more the offer the opportunity of success is more.

Although any behaviour if it’s not in destructive all have the value to exist; but can’t deny, the creation is the best and most valuable behaviour in the world. We ought to make light of discomforts, squeeze out our brain, hard work as possible as you can. @


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