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Hardworking  Hsu ChiCheng

Things of a kind come together. This is the same from ancient. It’s the rule created by the creator, is more the way the nurture of the universe, it can’t exchange. Is it not so? Fire ignites the dry. Water flows to the wet. Is it not so? Cattle take grass. Cat takes fish. As to human being, isn’t it the same? Ugly often gets gather toward evil man. Honor often belongs to kind man. Even do evil will friends attracted to each other by common tastes! Hear! Said by Confucius: “ About the fault of person, belongs to party member. We can know a person in seeking his fault.”

Hardworking and lazy are two good friends. They will make the friends attracted to each other by common tastes.

If he is undisciplined, dissipated, careless, lack of hardworking, just want to live in easy and comfort, won’t to bear hardship, just want to catch cold, won’t to sweat streaming, seek harvest, won’t to cultivated, lazy will go near him, make friends with him naturally, then brings him slowly to near poor, fatigued, disease, weak, agony, evil, fail, even exterminate…

If that person is dependable, willing to work, earnest, no afraid of sweat streaming, no afraid of bearing hardship, bear work, want to do as possible as he can, want to use his hands, feet and mind, hardworking and is responsible, hardworking will like and go near him, gift him smile, make friends with him, bring him well off, health, strength, happy, satisfied, honor and success…

I believe you are surely dislike poor, fatigued, disease, weak, agony, evil, fail, even exterminate, and like well off, health, strength, happy, satisfied, honor and success! Then, how will you do and let hardworking near you, make good friends with you?@


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