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The Flame  Hsu ChiCheng

Fire can send off light and warmth, to give light and warmth to people. Only there is the fire, the world will be full of hope, is light, warmth. We need fire, need light and warmth.
The fire can’t go out, must be burned ceaselessly, if not, it’s like a person lost his life, a machine can’t move again? The life of a person wants to follow along, a machine wants to act successively, needs the source.
Then, what is the source of the fire? How to make the fire to burn successively?
The source of the fire is the wood. Must to offer the wood, and the fire can burn successively.
Life of a person is a flame, it can’t be go out, need to burn successively; then it’s need to offer the wood successively. The wood of a person, are both material and mind.
However, the life of person sometimes will go out, it can’t life long forever, so pass the flame is need.
History is the result of pass flame, of course, there is the traditional culture. As to whole the history and culture of human being, every one is a little fire. We in the crowd, grows continually, is the little fire composed history and culture of whole the human being, just have them, the flame of history and culture never be go out, frourishing the fire.
Hoping that every one in the crowd, be continuously, grows continually, offers the woods for himself, composes all together the flame of whole the history and culture, makes the fire grows continuously, offers light and warmth forever…@


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