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窗外是一片藍天,一片藍天又一片藍天,向四面八方擴展而去,向四面八方又向四面 八方擴展而去,是那麼蔚藍亮麗,那麼蔚藍亮麗又那麼蔚藍亮麗,一片空曠渺遠,空曠渺遠又空曠渺遠,無有盡處……。

藍天裡,或遠或近,這裡那裡,有著雲。雲,有些是濃厚的,有些是稀薄的,有些是 孤單獨存的,有些是連綿成群的,有些是這個形狀,有些是那個形狀,都因水氣、溫度和風的不同變化而定。至於雲的顏色,則大都是黑白的,偶爾也有彩色的。






In Face of Azure    Hsu ChiCheng

In face of azure, in face of cloud, in face of open field, we hover slowly, hover slowly…
Hover slowly, hover slowly…higher gradually, far from the land surface gradually…
Becomes small one after another the persons on the land surface, and dim one after another. Human becomes the ant. Vehicle becomes the match box. Manson becomes toy bricks overlapping. Road is the waist-belt. River is the lace of the garment…
We hover forward, according to a fixed track.
It’s the azure outside the window, a piece of azure and a piece of azure, spread toward all directions, spread toward all direction and all directions, is thus blue and bright, thus blue and bright and thus blue and bright, a stretch spacious and distant remove, a stretch of spacious and distant remove and a stretch of spacious and distant remove, boundless…
In the azure, there are clouds hither and thither, either far or near. The clouds, some are thick, some are thin, some are standing alone, some are in group successively, some are in that shape, some are in this shape, are decided by the changes of the steam, temperature and wind. As to the colour of the cloud, often are black and white, some are colourful occasionally.
We hover forward, hover forward, and hover forward once again…
How steady it is! How cozy it is! It’s more steady and cozy than on the vehicle on the road!
Pierce into the cloud, outside the window is a piece of dim, a piece of cotton candy…
Hover outside the cloud, out of the window is a piece of blue, a piece of bright…
Hover forward, also hover forward, we hover forward…@


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