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陽傘,是用以遮陽的。陽光太過強烈,是會傷人肌膚的,尤其是暑熱裡,熱氣逼人, 連吹動的風都是熱的,熱得令人難以忍受,汗流浹背;如果在大太陽下,那更是受不 了。太陽是會咬人的。試想,夏日的烈陽,連道路上的柏油泥都被曬軟了,人的肌膚 將何以堪?這時,撐把陽傘吧!哇!好了!所有驕陽都被摒棄於外了。人在其中,便 不被曬傷,受到保護了。
至於下雨,人往往要被淋濕。人是很脆弱的,不堪一淋;不管雨大雨小,一旦被淋濕 ,往往致病,受許多苦。要避免被淋濕,致病,受苦,當然還有雨衣;但是雨衣一穿 起來,全身被束縛住,礙手礙腳,好不自在。只要沒有太大的風,撐把雨傘最好了。 撐把雨傘,便把雨擋在傘外了。人在其中,便不被淋濕,受到保護了。

Brolly  Hsu ChiCheng

Brolly, the parasol, the umbrella!
Parasol, used to keep out of the sun. If the sunshine is too strong, will hurt the skin, especially under the summer hot, heat presses human, even the wind is hot, lets human can’t bear, streaming with sweat; it’s more can’t bear while under the hot sun. The sun will bite human. Imagine, under the scotch sun of summer, even the asphalt posted on the road will be basked into soft, what about the skin of human? At that time, hold a parasol! Wow, how fine it is! All the scotch sun removes outside. Human under it, will be not basked, will be sheltered.
As to rain, one often will be drenched. Human is the weakest, can’t bear pour; no matter the rain is big or small, once to be drenched, often will be get diseases, will bears bitterness. Want to get rid of drench, to get disease, bear bitterness, of course there are raincoat; but wear the raincoat, whole the body will be fettered by it, will be stand in the way, how can’t at ease. Just the wind is not too strong, it’s the best to hold an umbrella. Hold an umbrella, the rain will be got rid of it. Under it, one will not be drench, and will be sheltered.
As to say that, the most specific property of brolly is to protect human.
Then, we received how many protections in our whole life?
It’s too many!
House, tree, parents, teacher, law, society, country, graces left by ancestors…All these are not the brolly?
Yes, these all are the brolly, all give us protection!
And which is the parasol? Which is the umbrella? It’s not importance. The important thing is, we must thanks to the brolly, and take good care of brolly!@



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