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長長地吸口氣,用力地吐出。哇,好舒暢!如果能常在山林裡多好!可是不行的。即 使依依不捨,依依不捨又能如何?還是要離開的。

Enter Mountain Forest Hsu ChiCheng

Enter mountain forest on the reddish black fine day.
Just for want to enter mountain forest, I enter mountain forest.
There are a large amount of joys in my mind while enter mountain forest. How meaningful the ancients created the words. Tree, one is a wood, two becomes to tree, above three becomes to forest. There are many trees in the mountain, one and one get together into tussock, extends into piece, and to be called forest by joint, enormously exaggerates into green, covers into shade, green all over group of the mountain, shade covers group of the mountain; occasionally there are the sunshine sieve down from the branches and leaves, it’s the flying pearls and splashing jade!
Enter mountain forest, full of my body is dyed into green.
Enter mountain forest, my body is splashed into damp and cool!
There are birds singing and flying among them. There are beasts running and chasing among them. There are cool breeze blowing and murmuring among them…
“ Lo, how sweet-sounding the bird’s vocalization!”
“How light and handy the birds!”
“ How leisure fly freely of the birds!”
“How lovely the fawn!”
“The cool breeze blows gently, how cool it is!”
Inhale in long, and breathe out with exhaustion. Wow, how relaxed! How fine if I can long stay in mountain forest! But it’s impossible. I must leave still, even I’m reluctant to part from, what can I do about reluctant to part from?
Thus, I leave mountain forest.
Though I leave mountain forest, I miss mountain forest still.@


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