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Spray     Hsu ChiCheng

We always can see many white sprays big or small aroused by the sea water in the seaside. They are stirred by the seawater, sometimes the seawater stirred severely, even surge into great wave, white breakers leaping up to the sky, as thousand piles of snow, grand and impressive in sight, leads us to be lost in reverie, leads us many inspiration.
Isn’t it the mortal world a vast boundless ocean? As it’s a vast boundless ocean, why is it not the spray? Yes, it is. Not only it is, it’s also some what large, it often surging still, and very grand and impressive sight.
As to our country, since the dawn of history from Pan Gu, experienced how many changes to Chin, Han, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing, till now, are they stirred how many sprays among them? Those sprays must be included the blood and sweat of Han, Manchu, Mongols, Hui people, Tibetan people, Miao people, Yao people etc.! The more outstanding things are the time of The Eastern Zhou period, The Uprising of the Five Barbarians, The Northern and Southern dynasties, the Three Kingdoms, the circulation of Buddhism, the communication of western and eastern cultures in time of Ming and Qing! And the most strong and violent is the modern who often surging each other, angry waves surge high, white-crested waves surging and swelling sky-high as thousand piles of snow.
Originally, on the mortal world, the diffident mind of person just as their appearances, everyone stands on his viewpoint and position, different as they view, of course there may bring dissention. It doesn’t to be fearful, it may better after the new result is come from the surging, communication and melt from the dissention. It will be a larger power, enough to break through problems layer after layer, create new page of history. Want to arrive this boundary, we must hold the opening circumstance, each one also has the open mind, often thinks of other’s position, treats to another with peaceful.
Then, open the circumstance, open the mind! Often think of other’s position, turn dissention into power! Thus, the spray of the dissention must be grand and impressive in sight!@


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