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星星,一顆顆,是一朵朵花,盛放的,舒展的,花枝高高攀舉而起。一瓣瓣花瓣是一 個個生命,叢集一起,組成一朵朵美,予平淡添上生動,把大地這張畫紙點畫上多彩 多姿……。
星星,一顆顆,是一口口井,滿儲著泉水,隨意汲取,以飲,則涓涓滴滴,涼爽甘美 ,極為可口,可以解除焦渴,以洗,則潔淨無垢,可以滌除汙穢,帶來清新,帶來涼 爽……。
星星,一顆顆,是一朵朵微笑,綻放在孩童的臉上,綻放在有情人的臉上,是那麼天 真無邪,是那麼無拘無束,是那麼甜美迷人,是那麼引人入勝,在枯燥的生活之汪汪 大海中,吹起漣漪,掀起小小浪花,帶來甜蜜、快樂和美滿……。
星星、一顆顆,是一隻隻美人的明眸,盈盈溢溢,充滿了深情的,充滿了透視的力量 的,只要美目輕輕一盼,便足以懾人心魂,便足以直接透入人的心靈深處,照拂所有 各個角落,讓心靈深處大放光明,任何一絲陰暗或陰翳一掃而光……。

Stars       Hsu ChiCheng

Stars, one is here, one is there, twinkling in the sky, in the deep sky…
Stars, one by one, are a flower and a flower, full open, unfold, the twig high climb. A petal and a petal is one life and one life, be overgrows into one beauty and one beauty, adds flat into vivid, paints the paper of the earth into colourful…
Stars, one by one, are a well and a well, full stores the spring, derives at will, for drink, the tiny drop may cool and sweet, great in tasty, can drive thirsty, for wash, may clean and tidy without stain, can wash away dirty, bring fresh, bring the cool…
Stars, one by one, is a smile and a smile, full open on child’s face, full open on lovers’ face, is so innocent without evil, so unrestrained, so sweet and bewitch, so fascinating, on large ocean of the dull and dry life, stirs some ripples, arouses small sprays, send sweet, happy and very satisfactory…
Stars, one and one, are the eyes of the beauty, full and overflow, holds deep passionate, holds power to penetration, only take a sight by her bright eyes, will frighten the heart of others, will penetrate through into the deep heart, brighten all corners make the deep heart full of light, any gloomy or haze will all sweep out…
Stars, one is here, one is there, in the sky in the deep sky…@


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