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一早出門,見晴空萬里,陽光普照,到處一片欣欣向榮,加上和煦的春風輕輕拂面, 便覺無限舒爽,欣喜非常,肯定今天必定是一個美好的日子,這個世界必定是一個美 好的世界。
才出門沒多久,一群學生便笑盈盈地向我揮手,大喊:「老師早!」我一一向他們道 好。沿路也一再和許多熟人相互打招呼問好。他們的臉上也堆滿著笑。
沒多久,看見一個騎單車的小孩摔了。我立刻一個箭步過去,要把他扶起,卻有一個 青年已先我而到,把他扶起來了。
有一群學生模樣的青年,男女都有,約廿個。我和他們談了起來,問他們哪裡去。他 們說,先到老人院去慰問老人,幫他們整理房間,然後到育幼院,和院童同樂。哇, 多有意義的活動!
在回家的路上,看見有一個青年扶著一個老人過街道。在夕陽餘暉的映照下,那個青 年很有耐心地和老人,一步一步慢慢走過街道。他們的四周似乎特別亮。所有車輛到 那裡,都停下來讓路。……
我相信,還有更多這樣美好的事,在各地進行,也不只今天,天天都有。我更相信, 這是一個美好的世界。

It must be a fine world     Hsu ChiCheng

As soon as I go out from my home, I see there is a clear and boundless sky, the sunlight shines on the whole world, flourishing everywhere, in addition to the warm breeze blows slightly, let me feel at ease limitless, very happy, affirm that it must be a fine day today, it must be a fine world.
No soon as I go out, a group of students wave their hands toward me, shout loudly: “Good morning, teacher!” I say good morning respond to every one. And, along the road, I also call and greet each other with familiar friends time and again. Their face all full with smile.
No sooner, I find a child fell from the bicycle he rode. I go on in a shot step immediately wish to help him, but a youth has help him up.
“Is there any hurt?”
“Nothing matter!”
On the bus, the youths offer their seat for the priority.
“Take a seat, please!”
“Thank you.”
How pleasant to the ear the dialogue!
There is a group of youths of student-like, both male and female, about 20 on age. I talk with them, where are they going. They say they want to express sympathy and solicitude for the ages in the aged care nursing home at first, help them to sort out their house, and then go to nursery home joy together with the children. Wow, what a meaningful thing they do!
On the road back home, I view a youth help an age cross the road. I see the youth patiently and the age, step by step under the afterglow, walk across the road. It seems bright special around them. All vehicles stop there for them to go through…
I believe, there are more fine things as thus still happen everywhere, and it’s not just today, it’s happen everyday. I believe more, this is a fine world.@


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