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只要太陽一落,黑暗一來,向日葵便垂頭閉目,不屑一顧那些齷齪事——任誰在黑暗 裡活動,任誰在黑暗裡紙醉金迷,任誰在黑暗裡酒肉徵逐……。
當漫漫長夜漸次消隱,黎明漸次來臨,太陽終於以其萬丈光芒照臨大地,向日葵便抬 起頭來,歡欣鼓舞了——向四面八方伸展出一瓣瓣花瓣,形成太陽的形象,以其圓形 花朵,迎接太陽……。
膜拜和嚮往是可以的,探索和追求也是必需的,只有模仿卻萬萬要不得。那是會失去 自己的。創造則更必需,尤其是作家、藝術家,更需有自己在,更需要創造。試想, 一個作家,一個藝術家,如果沒有自己,沒有創造,那是一則多大的笑話!
這樣說來,向日葵便是一個很有自己很有創造性的作家或藝術家了。它膜拜嚮往光明 ,追求光明,面向太陽英勇地挺立著,終於在大地上創造出了太陽,金黃色花瓣鑲著 一枚枚真珠,閃射出萬丈光芒,成了詩人的桂冠。——而它,哦,它不也成了一名詩 人?看!它創造了一枚太陽,把它當成了一頂桂冠,戴在頭上……。
詩人呀!且膜拜嚮往光明吧!且探索追求光明吧!且創造一枚太陽,如向日葵,當成 一頂桂冠,戴在頭上吧!

Sunflower       Hsu ChiCheng

Only it’s sunset , the darkness befalls, sunflower will hang its head and close its eyes, won’t even spare a glance for those dirty thing—let whoever to move in the darkness, let whoever to luxury and dissipation in the darkness, let whoever to run for wine and flesh in the darkness…
When the long night fades away slowly, dawn befalls slowly, the sun eventually reflects the earth with profusion of radiance, the sunflower will lift its head, rejoice—stretches its petals forward far and near, forms the shape of sun, welcomes the sun with round flower…
Worships and longs for brilliance, searches for brilliance, sunflower brave stands erectly toward the sun, valiantly, in high spirits…
It’s well for worship and long, it’s need for search, but just model is intolerable absolutely. Creation is more need, especially the writer, the artist, more need has self, more need to create. Imagine. If there is no self and creation, a writer or an artist may be a joke!
So, the sunflower is a writer or an artist posses of very creativeness. It worships and longs for brilliance, brave stands erectly toward the sun, and eventually creates a sun on the earth the golden petal inlay pearl one by one, shining with boundless radiance, and be a crown of the poet. And it, oh, isn’t it to be a poet? Lo, it creates a sun, regards as a crown wears on his head…
Oh, poet, worship and long for brilliance! Search for brilliance! To create a sun, like sunflower regards as a crown, wears on your head!@


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