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時光飛逝,快如閃電,田裡的稻子彷彿才種下,竟然已出穗成熟了。稻穗一穗穗垂掛 著,一穗穗長滿飽熟纍纍的穀粒,垂彎了稻株。在金陽的明照下,一顆顆飽熟的穀粒 ,閃出金黃的光芒,是一顆顆珠顆,把一穗穗稻穗串成一串串珠串。
小時候,懵懵懂懂,迷迷糊糊,大多滿腦子英雄崇拜思想,喜歡稻子高舉劍葉,直豎 而立,給看成舉劍闊步意氣風發的英雄,風範絕世,不可一世,致有高傲表現。
「要學習稻子!稻子出穗成熟便垂下頭,是多麼謙卑自抑!人也該如此:你的年歲越 大經驗越多人越成熟,便要越謙卑自抑,不可驕傲自滿,昂然不可一世!」


是的,隨著歲月的增加頭便越垂越低下;因為成熟了!稻子這樣,人也是這樣!稻子 在未出穗成熟前,劍葉直豎,昂然而立,不可一世;人在未長大成熟前,輕浮不穩, 撫劍疾視,目中無人;必待成熟,頭垂下,便是一個謙謙君子了。

When Rice is ripened     Hsu  ChiCheng

The month of May comes, we can view everywhere rice is ripened.
Time passes rapidly like the lightning, the rice as if it just plants, the ear is ripened unexpectedly. The ear hangs one tassel by one tassel, a tassel and a tassel has leaps of full grains, droops bent the trunk. A grain and a grain of full ear, shinning the golden light under the illumination of the golden sun, is a grain and a grain of pearl, strings the ear into a cluster and a cluster of pearl string.
It’s muddled and dazed in the childhood of everyone, whole their head almost hero cult thinking, like the rice lifts the sword-like leave, stands straightly, looks like to be the hero who holds the sword strides with high-spirited, elegance grace out of the world, unchallengeable, and appears haughty.
“Be learned the rice! The rice will hang its head when its ear is ripened, how humble and self-restrained itself! A person ought to do as thus: The more the experience and ripened the more the year, one ought to be more humble and self-restrained of himself, don’t to swell with pride, in a dignified manner unchangeable!”
At the childhood, we can’t understand the true meaning of the words, haven’t took a look at it anymore; but feel it’s more the true the older.

The head hangs lower
Follows the year is older
Ha, what a humble gentleman

Yes, the head is lower follows the year is older; for one is ripened! The rice is so, and the same the person! Before it’s ripened, the rice lifts the sword-like leave, stands straightly, unchallengeable; before he is ripen, person frivolous and unsteady, holds sword and stern looks, haven’t took a look at anyone; it must be waited till to be ripened and hanged his head, then a humble gentle man he is.@


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