伸展開來,向前方,向四方,向無盡的遠方,甚至遇到高挺的物體,便攀緣而上,向 高處伸展……。
是多麼柔和的黃昏!暖和的微風徐徐而來,夕陽的柔暉遍灑大地,並以其絕藝在西天 抹上彩霞……。
那是造物的無形大彩畫吧!它而且全用的紫色!沒多久,便把一房牆壁塗得到處是紫 色了;沒多久,便把一片綠籬塗得到處是紫色了……。
那是一群紫衣仙女下凡來了吧!一個,一個,又一個,沒多久,便來了好多了,而且 迎著暖和的微風,伸展四肢,輕挪蓮步,應和著音樂的節拍,放開胸懷,款款而舞, 搖曳生姿……。
那是一支支紫色的長喇叭,在黃昏裡,迎著暖和的微風,吹奏著樂曲。那麼多的長喇 叭,昂然挺向天空,是任何樂隊所不能及的。
伸展,伸展,再伸展,伸展開來,是一支支造物的無形大彩筆在畫畫也罷,是一群紫 衣仙女在跳舞也罷,是一隊樂隊在吹奏長喇叭也罷,總之,伸展開來!
Morning-glory Hsu ChiCheng
Stretch, stretch, stretch again, stretch forward, toward all direction, toward the distance limitless, stretch out…
Stretch out, stretch forward, toward all direction, toward the distance limitless, even climb to the high place when there block by the high and erect thing…
And then, it blossoms, in the dusk, in the dusk of late spring, in the dusk of early summer…
What a soft dusk it is! The warm breeze blows slowly, the soft afterglow full spreads on the earth, and smears rosy glow with his unique art…
The morning-glory is blossoming at this moment.
May it be the great colour paint of invisible of the Creator! And also it’s all purple! Just a moment, it smears whole the wall into purple; just a moment, it smears whole the green fence into purple…
May it be a group of purple fairy come from heaven! One after another, and another once again, just a moment, there comes many of them, and face the warm breeze, stretch their four limbs, move their steps lightly, echo to the metre of the music, open their mind, dancing slowly, swinging and swaying of graceful posture…
May it be the purple long trumpet one by one, in the dusk, face to the warm breeze, play the music. So many the trumpet, in a dignified manner toward the sky, no any orchestra can compare.
Stretch, stretch, stretch again, stretch out, may it be a great color brush of invisible by the Creator in painting, may it be a group of purple fairy in dancing, or may it be a orchestra playing the long trumpet, above all, stretch out!@