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這是最美好的季節:春天。這是最美好的時間:上午九點左右。這是最美好的天氣: 晴天。三個最美好相乘相加,哇,三倍或三乘方的最美好!
春風到處雲遊著,以其特有柔軟的手,送出溫情。空氣中蘊含著一種沁透人心肺的涼 爽……。
植物欣欣向榮。許多花、草、樹木或伸出嫩芽和嫩葉,或開出花朵,散發它們的芳香 ……。
飛舞呀飛舞!牠們穿著各種顏色的華美舞衣,忽上忽下,忽左忽右,忽疾忽徐,忽來 忽去,穿進穿出,身影款擺著,應和著一定的韻律節奏,正向,反向,斜向,翻轉, 旋動,展現優美的舞姿……。

Butterfly Dancing in the Spring    Hsu ChiCheng

There are multitudinous butterflies dancing in the air…
This is the best season of the year: Spring. This is the best time: about 9 o’clock forenoon. This is the best weather: fine day. Three best plus in one, wow, the best with triple or the power of three.
The sun is selfless. It sprinkles golden powder everywhere commonly and equally, sends out the brilliance and warmth…
Vernal wind tour free high in the clouds, with its special soft hands, send out the warmth. There contains a kind of cool penetrates the whole body…
It’s extreme rich the contain of the soil, and is playing the role of its great power…
The plant is flourishing. Many of the flower, grass and tree stretch their buds and leaves, or blossom, spread their fragrance.
There are multitudinous butterflies dancing among them.
They dancing and dancing! They wear the dancing splendid clothing of variant cloud, now up now down, now right now left, now quick now slow, now forth now back, now in now out, posture is excellent, respond with certain meter and rhythm, forward, backward, inclined ward, turn down, revolve, appear the beautiful dancing posture…
What kind of butterfly are they? Is it papiliandae? Kallimainachus? Milk weed? Lycaenidae? Grey butterfly?…
What kind of dance do they play? Is it bluesy? Waltz? Cha cha? Ballet?…classical dancing? Folk dance? Modern dance?…
They are dancing, at about 9 forenoon of a certain fine day, the best with triple or the power of three.@


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