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「好球!」……「壞球!」……「安打,哈,二壘安打!」……「三振出局!」…… 「接殺出局!」……「好!滑壘成功!」……「快跑!加油!……哇,被封殺了!」 ……「兩出局了!」……「沒關係!來兩個全纍打!……對!用力!可能全壘打嘔! ……哇,真的全壘打!真好!我們贏了!」……



窗前出現了一片奇景:一、二十個小孩子,在窗前不遠的空地上,玩著打棒球遊戲。 戴著手套的,拿著棒子的,當裁判的……各就各位。球在投手和捕手之間來回著,有 時被打出去……。即使春寒料峭,仍有一半以上小孩子脫去了上衣,大家生龍活虎地 奔跑、跳躍、喊叫……



The Ball Game of the Spring    Hsu ChiCheng

The winter is over. The spring is coming. The spring chill is chilly.
As to a person low pressure of blood and afraid of the cold like me, in thus a weather, though it’s splendour of spring, I would rather to stay instead of going
outdoor and read book in the study room to chew the flavour of the books, dig out the treasure of the books.
“Strike!”… “Ball!”…”Take base! Ha, two base hit! ”… “Struck-out!” … “Put out!”… “Good! Sliding!”… “Fast run hurry up! Make a greater effort!…Woe, force out!”… “Two out!” … “ “Never mind! Having two home run!…It’s right! Be straining! May be a home run!…Oh, really the home run! Really good! We win.”…
I think they are playing a splendid base ball game. They play into bustling from their shout.
There circulates the sound of the shouting continually, the sound of the shouting is louder and louder, and ardent and bustling, and lead me to the window at last.
In front of the window, there appears a wonderful sight: about ten or twenty children play baseball game on the empty space no far near the window. Some wear the globe, some hold the bat, may some be the umpire…They all take their place. The ball back and forth between pitcher and catcher, sometimes be hit by the batter…Even the spring chill is chilly, it still a half of the children take off their upper outer garment, all of them run, jump, and shout lively as a dragon or a tiger…
Oh, playing! Bustling! Grow up! The spring is belonged to children originally.@


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