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Suburb of Spring      Hsu ChiCheng

The spring has come. The spring comes to the suburb first. He comes magnificently, adds busy to the suburb.
The river grows fat from thin slowly. He always reflects the radiate under the sunshine. He gurgles due to his exciting in the mind, more and more loudly and clearly, splashes fiercely onto everywhere, permeates in all directions…
The trees take off their worn-out, heavy, grey winter clothes, replace the bright and thin vernal unlined clothes, in the wind, among the rain, under the sunshine, appear active, brisk, dexterous, each tree likes the young girl one and one smile lightly, without restraint.
The great green carpet of the meadow posted on the ground is exchange into the new, how thin and vernal and plane, soft and cozy, the fine hair neither take out nor reverse, step on it, a band of soft feeling arises from the sole of the feet. How really l want to lie down on it! How really I want to roll on it!
All flowers compete to open, one flower after one flower, one tussock after one tussock, like the lamp, like the crystal, spout the fragrant, appear ten thousands of colours, many kinds of form, appear their beauty…of course, the butterfly and bee comes also. They fly through the flowers, and gather the honey, add the busy to the flowers.
The hibernate animal is awaken. Lo, is it not the mole? Is it not the serpent, the frog? And there comes the bird also, there comes the beast also, and the insect still. They add an air of busy to the spring, push forward a tune of symphony, creak and chirrup, chirp and twitter, jingle and jingle, hum and hum…
Oh, what a busy suburb it is, welcome my eulogize please!@


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