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其實,夢是多種多樣,多彩多姿,繽紛繁美的:惡夢、好夢、發財夢、桃花夢、升官夢、自由夢、留學夢、事業夢、明星夢、白日夢……。那麼,你最喜歡哪一種夢?哪 一種夢對人最有用?

Dream  Hsu ChiCheng

Select your dream carefully! Repost your wish, aim and ideal within the dream, as your guide, your guiding principle, and think of a way make them to come true!
There are dreams in the mortal world, and not only one dream, there are many. There are many persons in the mortal world, every person must have dream in his life, and not only one dream, there are many, for their sum, their achievement, it apparently there are endless dreams in the mortal world, and diversity, full of variety and interest, in riotous profusion as well numerous beauty.
There some ones said: “there are dreams in night while there is thinking in day.” Is it true? It’s uncertain. The situations of “there are dreams in night while there is thinking in day” are many. Sigmund Freud explained the phenomenon of dream is made by the unconscious. Is it right? I’m afraid it’s uncertain.
In fact, dream is diversity, full of variety and interest, in riotous profusion as well numerous beautiful: nightmare, sweet dream, fortune dream, the luck with the opposite sex, dream of win promotion, dream of freedom, dream of study abroad, dream of enterprise, dream to be a star, daydream…Then, what dream do you like best? What dream do best avail to a person?
It ought to be the dream when a person is revivification from dream.
Nobody hasn’t dreamt this kind of dream. Its content, may be ten thousands in longitude and latitude, but not beyond the wish, aim and ideal. It often guides direction or route for a person to struggle, let the dreamer to shed his blood and lay down his life, not hesitate to do it.
Then, select your dream carefully! Repost your wish, aim and ideal within the dream, as your guide, your guiding principle, and think of a way make them to come true!@


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