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Climb up   Hsu ChiCheng

Climb up! Climb up to the highest!
Climb up! In spite of how high, loft, and dangerous the mountain, how narrow, rough and hard to walk the road, even adds fierce of the weather—the cold stings the bone, rains cat and dog, or in the scorching sun, can’t block the intension of a person to go upward. Strong intention can conquer all the difficulty and danger. Only upward in disregard of any disturb! Only upward in disregard of any disturb! There is a progress one step and one step. Small step can accumulates into big step. “Progress, I progress though it’s only a qui of soil.”
We can view the image of climb up from the dawn sun rising slowly; also can view the image of climb up from the flame burn into flourishing slowly; besides, we can view still the image of the climb up from the growing slowly of the animal and plant, the ripe slowly of the mind and body of the child, the study achievement of the scholar slowly, the energy of the sportsman rising slowly, the skill of the man cultivate himself in according with a religious doctrine increasing slowly…
Yes, the rising slowly of the sun explains the meaning of climb up, it’s also the flame burn into flourishing slowly, besides, the growing slowly of the animal and plant, the ripe slowly of the mind and body of the child, the study achievement of the scholar slowly, the energy of the sportsman rising slowly, the skill of the man cultivate himself in according with a religious doctrine increasing slowly…
Climb up! Climb up is a great event. Must get rid of all the fetters of miscellaneous thoughts, put in whole body, put in whole heart, concentrate whole mind, concentrate all attention, don’t loose a little, even streaming with sweat, be hurt and bleed, ache extremely, also must climb up with whole heart. We must manage with an effort, never give up. All the success needs diligent assiduously, insist to hard work, bear servitude and tax on energy.
Climb up! Climb up to the highest! @


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