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Paper Boat &ㄗㄧHsu ChiCheng

I view the paper boat, in the rain. There are some children sail the paper boat, calling, hailing, laughing and noising, whole their bodies are drenched with rain.
“How quick the speed of my paper boat!”
“It’s quick of mine! Quickly! Quickly!… Lo, it pursues ahead yours! Mine is won!”
In fact, I prefer to say this is in the dream. It’s rained in the dream also. The rain likes the pearls broke off into strings, spreads one grain after another, sprinkle the cool. The water in the ditch rises into high and fully, rising the ditch into large river. Yes, it’s the rain and the dream also, rising it. Paper boat braves winds and waves in it, and becomes illusorily, to be big whale. Can’t it sink? No. it just can’t. This is the dream lets them into big boats made by iron and wood. Dream supports them. Isn’t it a boast? No. It’s the dream. How large the power of dream! It can change nothing to be something, change bad into good, weak to be strong.
How large the power of dream! It doesn’t only rise the small ditch into large river, into boundless body of water, change illusorily paper boat into big boats made by iron and wood, change nothing to be something, change small into large, change bad into good, weak to be strong, even more add stuffs illusorily onto the boat. The boat is full load carry. What is it loaded fully? It’s load fully with ideal! It’s loaded fully with pleasure! Sail to terminate is the ideal. Calling, hailing, laughing and noising is the express of pleasure. Boat sail forward with loaded fully ideal and pleasure, splendously, can be struck with admiration…
It’s rained still. It’s in the dream still. There are some children sail the paper boat, calling, hailing, laughing and noising, whole their bodies are drenched with rain. @


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