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鳥,是大自然的舞蹈家。只要不是睡著,牠們便無時無刻都在舞蹈著,展現美妙舞姿 :翩翩飛翔是最好的美姿了,或一衝直上青天,急飛馳翔,或展翅停空、盤旋、滑行 ,或俯衝而下。此外,牠們一停立,一舉頭,一俯視,一跳躍,一彎身,一振翅,一 洗羽,一翹尾……也都是很好的舞姿。牠們本來就身材玲瓏精緻,動作伶俐巧妙!
鳥,是大自然的歌唱家。牠們時常不停地唱著歌:吱吱喳喳,啁啁啾啾,咕咕嚕嚕, 嗚嗚嘰嘰,咿咿呀呀……。牠們唱著,或獨唱,或合唱,或輪唱,或高或低,或抑或 揚,或疾或徐,或長或短,或大或小,依其需要,該停便停,該唱便唱,融成天籟, 渾然天成,悅人聽聞。
鳥,人類智慧的啟發者。牠們啟發了人類的智慧,尤其啟發他們發明飛行物,研發出 各種舞蹈,也學著牠們創作譜曲,運用樂器或自己的發聲器,發出優美的歌唱。
鳥,是人類心靈的安慰者。這是最重要的。鳥,不管是舞蹈,是歌,是停立,都是美 的,善的,除啟發人類的智慧而外,更予人類心靈以安慰,使人類心平氣和、寧謐、 安詳、有歸宿。
是的,鳥是大自然的舞蹈家,大自然的歌唱家,人類智慧的啟發者,人類心靈的安慰 者。

Birds Hsu ChiCheng

Birds, they are the dancers of the nature, the singers of the nature, the inspirers of the wisdom of human beings, the comforters of the soul of human beings.
Birds are the dancers of the nature. Only they aren’t in sleeping, they are dancing every hour and moment, unfold their pretty dancer’s posture and movement: the best postures are flied flutter, may onto sky in a rush, flies quickly, may spread their wings stay in sky, circle, glide, may dive down. Besides, they stand, raise their heads, look down, jump, bent their body, shake their wings, wash their feathers, get cocky… are also pretty posture. They have exquisite bodies originally, they have the cleaver movement!
Birds are the singers of the nature. They often sing ceaselessly: chatter-chatter, squeak and chirp, coo-coo, creak-creak, guo-guo… they sing, some are high, some are low, some are long, some are short, some are in succession, some are off and on, may strong, may soft, may solo, may chorus, may sing in unison, may round, according to meet the demand, stop while ought to stop, sing while ought to sing, blend into sounds of nature, constitute naturally, pleasant to the ear.
Birds are the inspirers of the nature. They inspire the wisdom of human beings, especially they inspire them to invent aircraft, research and produce every kind of dance, and also learn from them to set to music, use the musical instruments or speaking valves, to send off beautiful songs.
Birds are the comforters of the soul of human beings. This is the most important thing. In spite of dance, in spite of sing or stand, birds are pretty, kind, except for inspire wisdom of human beings, they more comfort the soul of human beings, make human beings in peace, tranquil, fit and fine, have a final state.
Yes, birds are the dancers of the nature, the singers of the nature, the comforters of the soul of human beings. @


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