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事情容易時,最怕意志鬆懈;如果這樣,就會像童話龜兔賽跑中的兔子,無所逃於失 敗的命運。不要這樣!要前進,繼續前進,才能成功。
人在濃霧中行走,只見眼前一片茫茫,沒有底處;但是,只要不退縮,不畏懼,邁開 腳步,前進,繼續前進,霧便自然散開讓路。人生前途不也如此?茫茫一片,誰能預 知?但是,只要不怕苦,不怕難,邁開腳步,前進,繼續前進,前途必然開朗。
哥倫布在茫茫大海中航行,乘風破浪,夜以繼日,憑藉的是什麼?他所憑藉的只是前 進的意志,前進,繼續前進,終於發現了新大陸。

Go Forward Hsu ChiCheng

Go forward. Go forward successively. Don’t stop!
Go forward. Go forward successively. To hold on straight to the end!
Whether the thing is difficult or easy, only go forward, go forward successively, it can be success; if stop on the half way, it will fall short of completion by one basket of earth.
When the affair is easy, afraid the most is loose the determination; as thus, it will like the hare in race of the hare and the tortoise in the fairy tale, can’t escape from the fate of failure. Don’t do as thus! You must go forward, go forward successively and will success.
If the affair is difficult, you must affirm you self-confident, strong your determination, go forward, go forward successively, it’s sure to be success.
When go among the fog, a person only meets a piece of foggy scene ahead him, no know of the termination; however, only don’t shrink back, don’t to be afraid, step forward, go forward, go forward successively, the fog will naturally disperse and give way. Isn’t it so the future? It’s a piece of foggy, who can predict? However, only don’t to be afraid of bitter, don’t to be afraid of difficulty, step forward, step forward, go forward, go forward successively, the future must be clear.
Christopher Columbus sailed on the foggy ocean, braved winds and waves, day and night, what is he relied on? He only relied on the determination of go forward, go forward, go forward successively, he discovered the New World at the end.
Go forward! An inch is an inch. A chi is a chi…
Surpass the pass. Surpass self. Surpass present situation. Go forward! Go forward again! Go forward successively!
Go forward. Go forward successively. Don’t stop!
Go forward. Go forward successively. To hold on straight to the end! @


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