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人的心,是一切的主宰。要好,要壞,都由它。再壞的事,如果心裡認為是好的,它 就會慢慢變成好的。無論遇到什麼事,再苦惱,再悲傷,再晦暗,我們的心裡都應該往好的方面想,常時在心裡說著:

Well, very Well  Hsu ChiCheng

“Well, very well!”
The mind is the dominator of all things. Well or bed, up to it. The thing the worst, if the mind thinks it well, it will become well slowly. In spite of any thing, if it’s most trouble, most lament, most obscure, we ought to think in the well side, often to state in mind:
“Well, very well!”
No matter what the weather is cloudy and rainy a long spell of wet weather, get up in the morning, be sure don’t to pleasure with knit your brows, be sure to pleasure with optimistic, must often states: “ Well, very well!” This day must be very well. Originally, all days will be very well! It’s attracted by himself if it’s not well!
When meet a person, in spite of he is age, young, early young or childhood, is fierce or kind, recognized or not, we must often state in our mind: “Well, very well!” Give a smile, a nod, a call, he will be kindly even he is your enemy.
When you eat something, don’t to pick on them of well or no well, we must often state in our mind: “Well, very well!” Then, all the things you eat will be the sweet is well, the salty is well, bitter also is well.
Take things calmly to the things have not gone very smoothly, then, the things have not gone very smoothly can do anything to me? Oh, state!
“Misfortune may be an actual blessing?” oh, state! Difficult is a hormone to inspire a person to strive for progress and rush to success! We must often state in our mind: “Well, very well!”@


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