確然,那平鋪的葉肉是平原,是高原,是三角洲,是盆地,是沙漠。不是嗎?那不是 黃淮平原?松遼平原?……那不是長江三角洲?珠江三角洲?……那不是黃土高原? 青藏高原?……那不是四川盆地?吐魯番盆地?……那不是戈壁大沙漠?……
確然,那縱橫的莖脈是河流,是山嶽。不是嗎?那不是長江?黃河?鴨綠江?漢水? 淮河?……那不是喜瑪拉雅山?五嶽?太行山?……
還有,那湖泊?那丘陵?……那可不也是點綴那秋海棠的風景?將這秋海棠點綴得更 美?
Begonia Hsu ChiCheng
There is a river in the far east,
Its name is called Yangtze river;
There is a river in the far east,
Its name is called Huanghe.
There is a leave of begonia, unfolds in the garden calmly, on the plant of begonia in the garden, in the far east, in the ancient east, in the existing east.
A leave of begonia, even spreads the pulp, in length and breadth the vein, what is it symbolized? What does profound meaning is it?
Certainly, the pulp plane even spreads is the plane, the plateau, the triangle delta, the basin, the desert. Is it not? Is it not the huáng huái píng yuán, the sōng liáo píng yuán?…Is it not the Yangtze triangle delta? The pearl river triangle delta?…Is it not the Loess Plateau, the Tibetan Plateau?…Is it not the Sichuan Basin, the Turfan basin?… Is it not the Gobi the great Desert ?…
Certainly, the length and breadth of the vein are the rivers, the mountains. Is it not? Is it not the Yangtze River? Not the Yellow River? Not the Yalu River? Not the Hanshui? Not the Huailhe River?…Is it not The Himalayes? Not the Five Sacred Mountains? Not the Taihang Mountains?…
Besides, the lake? The hills?…Is it not the landscape to decorate the begonia? To decorate begonia into more beautiful?
Only it’s unfortunately, this leave of begonia is immersed in the memory, in the dream, in the missing ceaseless…@